I have a number of Centralite Model: 4257050-ZHAC adapters that were all working fine, but lately they all have been flaky. I cannot believe they all went bad at the same time, so I'm thinking the Hubitat Generic Zigbee Dimmer driver is no longer handling them correctly.
- after a while, they seem to go unresponsive, as in, they do not respond to a Set Level command from Webcore. If I look at the logs, I can see that the command was sent but then no further responses from the adapter that confirms the new level.
- on some of the adapters, the power cluster variable is listed in the status but in others it is not, even after I do a manual Configure.
- The adapters no longer report the power level value, probably because of #2. I do not know when they stopped reporting the power level but they used to do it.
- the brightness level status is not always correct. Sometimes I need to do a level change from the Hubitat device GUI to set the level.
Separately, I also have a few 4257050-RZHAC appliance adapters that also stopped working correctly. I thought it was the adapter that went south but maybe that generic driver was also not dealing with the Centralite adapter correctly.
Is it possible that all of these Centralite issues are related to problems with the drivers?