Centralite keypad

I just got a centralite xfinity keypad and try to set it up but I struggle with the set up.

  1. How do you change code length? In the screenshot, there is an area in the device setting to change code length but it did not seem to work. Is there another way to change code length?
  2. There are A and B button th T seem to be customizable for other things but I can't find a way to do that.

Thank you in advance for the help

It was my understanding that these devices had a fixed 4 digit code length.. I donโ€™t think this can be changed.


Thank you. That is what it seems to be but then in the app, it has function to change the length but it just does not change.

I have two of the Xfinity Keypads. I can confirm you cannot the change code length. 4 digit codes only. Not sure which of the Xfinity Keypads you have as there are two or three different ones. Mine are the XHK1-UE models. These have an A and a B button on them but they are not functional.

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How do you disarm using the keypad?

Yes, I have the same model. I canโ€™t seem to find a way to disarm using the keypad.

You just punch in your 4 digit code without any other buttons. That disarms it.

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