Ceiling Fan/Light Controller Options?

Interesting, as that's exactly what I did, wired fan together in the switch box so power was always on and mounted the Picos in front of them (two switch boxes to cover 3-way setup). The ones in the switch boxes and the ones scattered around the house have all been fine.

So much of this stuff is such a YMMV world...

It's a real pain to shop for dumb-fans these days. So many companies want to to use their remote.

FWIW, I have 2 of them, and Love them. I used the GE's and they just made me :frowning:

You must have a full set of wires (common, ground, hot) to your switch box, and like the Hampton Bay Fan Controller, you have a module that has to go in the canopy, if there already is a module (e.g. for an RF Remote), you'll have to remove that.

But. I've had mine for some number of months, and they've been rock solid.

I think they control the Fan much better than the GE's did, and although I rarely mess with the HBFC's downstairs likely better than those. Since mine are all essentially operated programatically, I don't miss the remote controls.

I'm using the Inovelli Driver that @thebearmay posted, and it's been solid. It's integrated with Hubitat Package Manager as well, so keeping it up to date is a cakewalk.


I have one Inovelli in the master bedroom, and plan on getting more. And as for the WAF, my wife didn't even know it was a "smart" switch. Just said, "Oh that's nice. The light and fan switch are right there." Bingo!

If my fans didn't already have existing 315 Mhz RF remotes, I would have gone with the Inovelli. With the Bond, you can't track State changes so if someone uses the native remote, Hubitat won't know. Also, I've had a remote button push not toggle the light and in that case, Hubitat gets out of sync as well.

Yeah, that one doesn't independently switch the light. I thought the same thing, but I realized I was using the remote to control the light, not the GE.


Exactly why I replaced all our original remotes w/Picos. Family loves it - Picos are smaller and much less "HERE'S THE FAN REMOTE" when sitting on a table (wife likes that) and I can set up the buttons exactly how she likes them (wife likes that).

When I get two "Wife likes that" in a row I know it's time to head to Vegas, I'm on a streak. :wink:

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