Cartoons (& Memes & Weird Funny Stuff) of Hubitat





But hey, I'm kinda pissed, I've been pressing F1 on my laptop repeatedly for the past hour and nothing's happening!

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Ahh keyboard not found is childs play... boot disk not found is another matter.


It feels like this has roots in more physical systems.... the cloud is neither the solution nor the problem at times...



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For the Aussies.

Ps, Westfields are a large shopping mall chain in Aus.

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The product they were reviewing:


lol, gotta love Amazon falling to ensure products sold on its platform meet electrical standards!

I'm sure it's in London as well :+1:t2:

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It's because no-one else has fuses in their plugs! Such a basic safety requirement that I have no idea why we seem to be the only ones to do it.


Fuses in plugs won’t help if you have too many plugs wired onto a circuit without a circuit breaker or with a too high amperage breaker, which the “arsonist” obviously had. His wiring was overloaded, improperly fused. (Or the whole thing is a sick joke.)
In the US, the circuit breaker is sized based on the wire size and protects the entire wire.

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(Likes the post like he knows what he knows what everyone is talking about.... :slight_smile: )

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What I find interesting is that some power strips have breakers others don't. I have two of those massive power strips one on the work bench and the other is portable for when we are doing robotics.

That's exactly what it does. It doesn't matter what end the fuse is at. The fuse in the plugs can only be of certain sizes and even the smallest standard electrical cables are protected by the biggest fuse possible here (13 amps).

Yes that how it should be done and how it's done here but would not have helped here.

The "joke" here is that they plugged loads of large powered devices into this thing and the bit that burned out and caused the fire is the device/ the lead going to the outlet.

If you have a 32 amp breaker with house wiring rated at 40 amps the house is protected. However the lead to the socket here will be rated at around 15 amps so that means you can pull a load far greater than the lead/ device can handle without causing the house to trip.

That is the whole point, you don't have local power devices cable larger or the same as your house cable.

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“I took off one star because it caused an electrical fire that burnt down my house. Turns out the wires inside my walls were only rated for the heat from 2 plugs, not 24.”

I rest my case.
If the wires are rated for 40 amps, and your outlets are fused at 13, then you best not have more than 3 outlets on that circuit.

FYI: Almost all 110v circuits in the US are protected with 15 or 20 amo breakers (14 and 12 gauge wire.)