Cartoons (& Memes & Weird Funny Stuff) of Hubitat

We all have our reasons for not visiting the US....

(for some of us it is laziness and being happy with where we live.... )

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Aussies have GSD's too lol... Though you also have dingos.... They want my baby...

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That is true.... And sadly I missed to chance to babysit a pair of GSD's for a good friend when they went overseas (back home).... I got to meet them, but they sadly passed away before I was due to how sit.... beautiful dogs...


My GSD is definitely dumb AF


I want to find a "dog like it's owner" meme.... but I can't be bothered... :slight_smile:

See!! I knew it! Birds aren’t real!!

<Insert justification for birds existence I am too lazy to look up....  >

And I I am forced to place in pre-formatted text because I wanted to include gt and lt....

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might be more of an American thing

The origins of "Birds Aren't Real" - 60 Minutes - CBS News

We just pulled a 7-year-old GSD out of the Dallas Shelter about an hour before we was going to be put down for space. Good Save! Super good boy. He shows some signs that he might have been a working dog. Does what you tell him (keep in mind we have only had him about 48 hours). Take a protective posture when others are around (My wife took him out in the front and our neighbors were out there, he went between her legs and sat out in front of her staring at them. He does that walking between your leg's thing (not the durpy kind our own GSD does, but that intentional kind like he was trained to do that. Like you see military handlers doing). Walks great on a leash. If you stop walking her circles you and sits down. I may very well be wrong, but if I am, he's EXTREMELY well-mannered for a stray.


2 things you can try. While on leash, have a non family member come by. Yell "watch em!" in german, english, and ukrainian. If he reacts he was likely a guard dog. If he reacts, yell Out! in the same language to have him back off. (My brother was an SP in the air force and trained dogs for 17 years)


Is “Out!” the command to tear his liver out? :innocent:
(Not as funny now after you reworded the “Out!” sentence.)


LOL... It's a cancel command.

Cat ‘o 8 tails for those difficult networking issues


I only see 8. :wink:


Fixed it. Picka$$. :grin:

I see 9. It's under! @TomG

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The safe word must contain at least 10 characters including letters, numbers, a symbol and a capital

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My parents have what I assume is a GSD, she’s a lovely dog, moderately intelligent and very well trained. Her colouring is quite light tho, so im not sure if she’s a cross with something.

Edit: this isn’t her, but she looks almost identical:


This is my Bailey, she was actually a foster. We had her mom and litter since they were 5 weeks. Two were lost to Distemper at about 5 months. Bailey also got it, but survived. She just has really small gnarly teeth. She actually adopted us. We had decided to keep one, and she jumped out of their pen. The other two pups never even tried to get out. She actually does have a little other stuff. She is 80% GSD, 5% Swiss White Shepherd and 15% Pitt Bull.


As a dyslexic, I keep thinking this is a Gd Dmn Shepherd.