Cant remove zwave node

If I did it, anybody can. Those are excellent directions.

Is it possible the other hub is part of the problem?

Thanks for all your guidance. My Aeotec Z-Stick is a Gen5, while the current model is apparently Gen5+. I tried to update the firmware, but was unsuccessful. Tomorrow, I will order a new Zooz stick.

BTW, I suspect I know where some of the ghosts originate. While pairing, the HE acknowledges finding the new device, and asks if inclusion should be with or without security. Upon answer, it spins and never finishes (i.e. it never asks for the device to be named nor placed (room). and doesn't get to the concluding stages. Today I tried to pair a new device and that partial fail occurred , but I noticed that it was added to the devices. I was able to exclude it, I then reset the device to factory default, and tried to pair it again. This time the proper path was followed (i.e. Security?, Name, Room...). I remember several similar failures with other devices during my struggle to populate the C-8. Anyway, I'll get there. I'll let you know of my progress, or lack thereof.

Regards, Brian

It shouldn't matter as long as it connects to hubitat.

You want to pair most devices without security. The exception to this is locks and garage door openers. They must be paired with security or they won't pair.

There is a document, linked above (Using Z-Wave USB Sticks...), that suggests that there is a Mac solution : "MAC users: "You can download the Mac version (dmg file) of the PC Controller app here." If there is a Mac version of the PC controller app, it is well hidden. I never found it. Well frustrated by apparent misguidance, I pulled out an old Windows (10) box (laptop) that had been given to me. I loaded Silicon Labs' Simplicity Studio, and proceeded. My decade old Aeotec stick, ZW090 -A kept crashing the app, so I bought a Zooz S2 stick 700. After going in circles a couple of times, things started to look familiar. By this time I had 4 ghosts left, and they were persistent. The PC Controller app removed these ghosts handily, and the Hubitat confirmed their demise. I should know by tomorrow if all is running properly. Thanks for all suggestions.

You need the windows version. So for Mac you need to install parallels and a demo copy of windows (free)

Oops...that's my bad, I keep forgetting to remove that. I'll do that now.

Please don't bring my parents into this, they already wonder why they had me.


Done! Thanks for the wording, @rlithgow1 .

We ask them the same question...

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Who needs enemies... :smiley:

As I always say.... "With friends like mine, who needs enemas?"

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Hi, I have been searching for a solution because I ran into the same issue. I installed a system for a neighbor being a nice guy and it has been nothing but trouble. A bigger house and he doesn't understand needing a mesh. I try to tell him we can't just throw a Zwave switch out in the ramada in the backyard without other locations to link to. Needless to say, they all dropped off and are now ghosts. They refuse to connect now and I need to unwire them, bring them closer, exclude them, and then start over with a stronger mesh.

I wanted to make sure that my solution of bringing them closer to removal will work. There are three switches that are giving me trouble and it is a lot of work to unwire everything. If I add something in between to extend the mesh, will that help me remove them? Couldnt hurt to try I guess.

If you add a repeater or two between the devices and the hub, that could work, and if the devices found the new route to the hub things might start working. But could take a while for the repeaters to pick up the switches.

The simplest approach is likely to pull power from the switches (don't remove them from their switch box, just disconnect power - either pull the hot wire from them or (easier) hit the breaker they are on. Then the hub will fail to ping them and they should show up as failed tp the hub and you should be able to remove them using the "Refresh">"Remove" process on the Z-Wave Details page. Shut down the hub, pull power (at the wall) from it, wait a couple minutes, then power the hub back up before doing the Refresh/Remove process.

After they are removed get the repeaters in place, and then re-add the switches.

If you can't force remove them you'll need a stick to do it. Another option and probably more expedient since you only have 3 switches is to simply reset the z-wave radio then factory reset the switches and start pairing over.

I appreciate the feedback and direction. I tried everything but the power shutdown at the wall for the hub. I had the outside gazebo turned off and still no luck, but didnt do a power cycle of the hub. For some reason, I missed that and only performed a reset of the hub.

Unfortunately, I deleted them in devices on the HE and tried to pair them again and they partially bootstrapped and failed so there are 6 ghosts hanging out on the mesh. (I am in Arizona and it was 110 degrees yesterday and I was impatient. lesson learned.) I will mess with them again today. I am prepared to use the Stick to delete if needed, which sounds like another chore.

I also am going to install a few more items to extend the mesh.

Thank you for your help.

Yes since you didn't remove the from hubitat prior to re pairing them, they won't pair properly again. At this point like I said above, if those are the only devices, go to settings>>z-wave details and reset the z-wave radio. Then factory reset the switches prior to re pairing.

I appreciate that. Sorry, there are more switches than three. The three giving me trouble are all located at the outdoor gazebo.

They were working great with perfect mesh and then just lost connection. He has a C8, I did all the install work. Why do you think they fell off?

I know there have been some Zwave radio issues, but after reading I checked his hub and his radios have never turned off like mine which cycle. And I think I know that its something to do with 3.0 or a device as mentioned in other chats.

At this point though with 6 ghosts the mesh is trashed. I would attempt to remove them. (click the refresh button on each ghost line then click remove), If they won't remove you will need a z-wave stick to remove them to avoid redoing everything

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Thank you. It looks like there is a download for Mac and it will work. Is there a better stick that is recommended for success? I see the ones mentioned but just wanted to ask preference.

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You will have to run paralells and then install a demo copy of windows 10/11 (free), The z-wave controller plug in for the si labs software is not available for Mac... If you have an Mx chip, you can install the arm version of windows 10/11. All in all removing ghosts takes about 5 mins. Any z-wave stick will do...

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There is a lesson here, without intent to criticize. Being a nice guy can lead to long term misery. If a friend, neighbour, or family member wants to get into HA, lead them to documentation, and let them read and learn. Then guide them toward exploratory discovery. Be a teacher, not a doer. Best regards for your compassion, DHD. Good luck.