Can't remove "In Use By" entry in Device

I have cleared all actions in a Button Controller button and now need to exclude the device. The "in Use By" line does not go away in the device listing. I've tried rebooting, shutdown with power pull, and still it remains. I really don't want to remove the entire button in Button Controller, and I'm afraid doing an exclusion with this will cause problems.

This has happened to me many times. Usually with a RM rule, however. It is just saying that the button controller is using that device and removing it will remove it from the controller. Removing the device should cause you no issues.

So this is a bug then. I mean, deleting all the active rules for a device should clear all references listed within the device.

No, I don’t think so. You should/can remove the child app for that button and the link will go away.
Use the REMOVE button.


Okay, I'm not very smart when it comes to these things. I just thought by deleting all the actions that nothing would be in use by the device anymore.

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As @TArman indicates, it is still used by the child app. Even though there are no actions in the app, it is still linked to the app.

The more we do on the hub, the more we learn! :blush:

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