Alright for some reason I got it to work on GENERIC ZIGBEE SIREN driver!!!
The following works:
- BOTH (Siren and Strobe)
- Siren or Strobe
- Volume (Sirel Level)
so only these options seem to work
I switched back to Zigbee-Tuya Alarm driver and nothing seems to work but here's what i got from the logs
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:16.213 PMinfoUnhandled Event IGNORE THIS - description:enroll request endpoint 0x01 : data 0x0225 | msgMap:[:]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:15.133 PMinfoUnhandled Event IGNORE THIS - description:enroll request endpoint 0x01 : data 0x0225 | msgMap:[:]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:13.173 PMinfoUnhandled Event IGNORE THIS - description:enroll request endpoint 0x01 : data 0x0225 | msgMap:[:]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:12.821 PMinfoUnhandled Event IGNORE THIS - description:read attr - raw: BAEB010001102000202121002049, dni: BAEB, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0001, size: 10, attrId: 0020, encoding: 20, command: 0A, value: 2121002049 | msgMap:[raw:BAEB010001102000202121002049, dni:BAEB, endpoint:01, cluster:0001, size:10, attrId:0020, encoding:20, command:0A, value:21, clusterInt:1, attrInt:32, additionalAttrs:[[value:49, encoding:20, attrId:0021, consumedBytes:4, attrInt:33]], valueParsed:33]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:11.817 PMinfoTuya 0B: [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 10C3, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[10, C3]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:10.154 PMinfoUnhandled Event IGNORE THIS - description:enroll request endpoint 0x01 : data 0x0225 | msgMap:[:]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:09.817 PMinfoTuya 0B: [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 03C3, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[03, C3]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:07.814 PMinfoUnhandled Event IGNORE THIS - description:catchall: 0104 0000 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 F081 | msgMap:[raw:catchall: 0104 0000 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 F081, profileId:0104, clusterId:0000, clusterInt:0, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[F0, 81]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:07.612 PMinfoUnhandled Event IGNORE THIS - description:catchall: 0104 0000 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 04 01 86DEFF | msgMap:[raw:catchall: 0104 0000 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 04 01 86DEFF, profileId:0104, clusterId:0000, clusterInt:0, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:04, direction:01, data:[86, DE, FF]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:07.569 PMinfoDone with test()
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:07.565 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he wattr 0xBAEB 0x01 0x0000 0xFFDE 0x20 {13} {}, delay 199, he raw 0xBAEB 1 1 0x0000 {1187F0}, delay 2001, he raw 0xBAEB 1 1 0xEF00 {114103}, delay 2001, he cmd 0xBAEB 0x01 0xEF00 0x10 {0060}, delay 101])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:07.559 PMdebugzigbeeSpecialCommand cmd=[he raw 0xBAEB 1 1 0xEF00 {114103}, delay 2001]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:07.555 PMdebugzigbeeSpecialCommand()
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:07.551 PMdebugzigbeeSpecialCommand cmd=[he raw 0xBAEB 1 1 0x0000 {1187F0}, delay 2001]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:07.546 PMdebugzigbeeSpecialCommand()
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.332 PMinfoTuya 0B: [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 10C3, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[10, C3]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.283 PMinfoTuya 0B: [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 00C3, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[00, C3]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.232 PMinfoTuya 0B: [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 00C3, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[00, C3]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.186 PMinfoTuya 0B: [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 00C3, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[00, C3]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.132 PMinfoTuya 0B: [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 00C3, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[00, C3]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.107 PMdebugdirty model = 3AFE071004031225, clean model=3AFE071004031225
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.102 PMdebugModel Name Received - description:read attr - raw: BAEB0100002A0500421033414645303731303034303331323235, dni: BAEB, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0000, size: 2A, attrId: 0005, encoding: 42, command: 01, value: 1033414645303731303034303331323235 | msgMap:[raw:BAEB0100002A0500421033414645303731303034303331323235, dni:BAEB, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:2A, attrId:0005, encoding:42, command:01, value:3AFE071004031225, clusterInt:0, attrInt:5]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.096 PMinfoPayload sent: 0082
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.091 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBAEB 0x01 0xEF00 0x10 {0082}, delay 101])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.086 PMinfoPayload sent: 00E07001000101
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.082 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBAEB 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00E07001000101}, delay 101])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.077 PMinfoPayload sent: 00BE7404000102
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.072 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBAEB 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00BE7404000102}, delay 101])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.068 PMinfoAlarm Volume Set: low
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.063 PMdebugManufacturer Name Received - description:read attr - raw: BAEB01000014040042054B6F6E6B65, dni: BAEB, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0000, size: 14, attrId: 0004, encoding: 42, command: 01, value: 054B6F6E6B65 | msgMap:[raw:BAEB01000014040042054B6F6E6B65, dni:BAEB, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:14, attrId:0004, encoding:42, command:01, value:Konke, clusterInt:0, attrInt:4]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.057 PMinfoPayload sent: 00906604000100
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.053 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBAEB 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00906604000100}, delay 101])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.049 PMinfosetAlarmType(type=1)
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.044 PMinfoAlarm Type Set: 1
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.040 PMinfoPayload sent: 0084670200040000000A
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.035 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBAEB 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {0084670200040000000A}, delay 101])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.030 PMinfosetAlarmLength(length=10)
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.025 PMinfoAlarm Length Set: 10
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.020 PMinfoconfigureDevice()
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.016 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0xBAEB 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 05 00}, delay 2000])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:06.011 PMdebugrefresh cmd: [he raw 0xBAEB 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 05 00}, delay 2000]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:05.978 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0xBAEB 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 04 00}, delay 2000])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:05.972 PMdebugrecoveryMode: Slow
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:05.943 PMinfoRecovery feature ENABLED
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:05.939 PMdebugstartCheckEventInterval()
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:05.906 PMinfogetDriverVersion() = v1.0.1.1123
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:05.902 PMdebugrefresh() model='3AFE071004031225'
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:05.870 PMinfoinitialize()
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:01.646 PMinfoTuya 0B: [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 00C3, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[00, C3]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:01.599 PMinfoPayload sent: 007C6801000101
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:01.595 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBAEB 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {007C6801000101}, delay 101])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:01.590 PMdebugon()
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:01.059 PMinfoTuya 0B: [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 00C3, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[00, C3]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:01.015 PMinfoPayload sent: 00B96801000101
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:01.011 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBAEB 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00B96801000101}, delay 101])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:29:01.006 PMdebugon()
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:59.804 PMinfoTuya 0B: [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 00C3, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[00, C3]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:59.749 PMinfoPayload sent: 00176801000101
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:59.744 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBAEB 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00176801000101}, delay 101])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:59.739 PMdebugon()
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:59.124 PMinfoUnhandled Event IGNORE THIS - description:read attr - raw: BAEB0105000A0200190000, dni: BAEB, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0500, size: 0A, attrId: 0002, encoding: 19, command: 0A, value: 0000 | msgMap:[raw:BAEB0105000A0200190000, dni:BAEB, endpoint:01, cluster:0500, size:0A, attrId:0002, encoding:19, command:0A, value:0000, clusterInt:1280, attrInt:2, valueParsed:0]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:57.597 PMinfoTuya 0B: [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 00C3, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[00, C3]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:57.548 PMinfoPayload sent: 00B87404000100
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:57.544 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBAEB 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00B87404000100}, delay 101])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:54.925 PMdebugdirty model = 3AFE071004031225, clean model=3AFE071004031225
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:54.920 PMdebugModel Name Received - description:read attr - raw: BAEB0100002A0500421033414645303731303034303331323235, dni: BAEB, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0000, size: 2A, attrId: 0005, encoding: 42, command: 01, value: 1033414645303731303034303331323235 | msgMap:[raw:BAEB0100002A0500421033414645303731303034303331323235, dni:BAEB, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:2A, attrId:0005, encoding:42, command:01, value:3AFE071004031225, clusterInt:0, attrInt:5]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:54.875 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0xBAEB 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 05 00}, delay 2000])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:54.871 PMdebugrefresh cmd: [he raw 0xBAEB 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 05 00}, delay 2000]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:54.865 PMdebugManufacturer Name Received - description:read attr - raw: BAEB01000014040042054B6F6E6B65, dni: BAEB, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0000, size: 14, attrId: 0004, encoding: 42, command: 01, value: 054B6F6E6B65 | msgMap:[raw:BAEB01000014040042054B6F6E6B65, dni:BAEB, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:14, attrId:0004, encoding:42, command:01, value:Konke, clusterInt:0, attrInt:4]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:54.811 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0xBAEB 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 04 00}, delay 2000])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:54.804 PMdebugrecoveryMode: Slow
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:54.760 PMinfoRecovery feature ENABLED
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:54.755 PMdebugstartCheckEventInterval()
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:54.707 PMinfogetDriverVersion() = v1.0.1.1123
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:54.695 PMdebugrefresh() model='3AFE071004031225'
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:53.054 PMinfoTuya 0B: [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 10C3, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[10, C3]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:53.006 PMinfoTuya 0B: [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 00C3, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[00, C3]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.950 PMinfoTuya 0B: [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 00C3, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[00, C3]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.901 PMinfoTuya 0B: [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 00C3, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[00, C3]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.863 PMinfoTuya 0B: [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BAEB 00 00 0000 0B 01 00C3, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BAEB, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[00, C3]]
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.857 PMinfoPayload sent: 00BF
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.853 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBAEB 0x01 0xEF00 0x10 {00BF}, delay 101])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.849 PMinfoPayload sent: 003F7001000101
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.844 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBAEB 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {003F7001000101}, delay 101])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.840 PMinfoPayload sent: 00157404000102
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.835 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBAEB 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00157404000102}, delay 101])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.831 PMinfoAlarm Volume Set: low
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.827 PMinfoPayload sent: 00F26604000100
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.823 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBAEB 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00F26604000100}, delay 101])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.818 PMinfosetAlarmType(type=1)
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.814 PMinfoAlarm Type Set: 1
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.810 PMinfoPayload sent: 0033670200040000000A
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.806 PMdebugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBAEB 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {0033670200040000000A}, delay 101])
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.802 PMinfosetAlarmLength(length=10)
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.798 PMinfoAlarm Length Set: 10
dev:1482023-01-08 07:28:52.794 PMinfoconfigureDevice()
And finally i tried Tuya Smart Siren Zigbee driver and HE was just not getting anything from the device