Can't get light group lights to show in Alexa

I've done some research here and google, but can't seem to find instructions from A-Z in my setup. Previous WInk user so my setup I'm trying to get is what I had before and working.

  1. My living room has no switch to turn on lights, and I have 3 lights, 2 cree bulb and a Lifx. I could tell Alexa turn on living room and all 3 lights came on. Now when I tell Alexa to turn on living room only the Lifx comes on, Via HE I created a Group called "living Room and under (Select switch for group) I'm wondering if I should set a Virtual switch there "but can't find instructions to create a virtual switch, but I figured I didn't need a virtual because I read members saying it can't be used for something physical.

Question: How can I get the group to show up in the Alexa skills to add it?

  1. Kitchen and dining room lights are all lifx and the switch to kitchen and dining are Lutron, before I can say Alexa turn on dining/kitchen or manually turn on dining/kitchen from switch, but if I turned it off from the switch, I could later say Alexa turn on dining/kitchen.

Now the issue is my switch has to stay in the on position in order for me to still use Alexa, if the switch is off, Alexa will tell me to check the connection and power supply because it's not responding. I never had this issue before.

Question: How can I get the lutron switch and lifx lights to all work again?

  1. Here's a list of my Alexa Skills
    In my Alexa Device this is all I see and I tried Deleting the Alexa Skills and unlinking the hubitat skills for Alexa in hopes that it would re-discover


In your HE group, your Lifx and Cree bulbs will show as "bulbs" not "switches" or "dimmers".

I don't know why your devices would not show up in Alexa. I have Hubitat groups show up with no problem. The only thing I can think of is to make sure that you are using the same Alexa account in Hubitat as you are in Alexa.

Also, you should consider creating Smart Home Groups in Alexa. With that, you can say "turn off the lights" in any room that has an Echo and only the lights in that room will turn off.

Thanks, I was playing around again and I had to unlink the Hubitat via my alexa, install it again, select the hub and then it saw the groups, before I did that I kept running the discover new devices and it wouldn't find it, I had deleted the Alexa skills in HE at 1st also, so my fix was to uninstall the HE skills.