Can't figure motion management in RM 4.0

Hello, I'm having a problem setting a RM4.0 simple light / motion management. Current config behaves as if the delay I have implemented (5 min) didn't existed. Lights goes off as soon as device returns inactive evt. The device is custom made but has a PIR time of 10 seconds, like 5 more that work perfectly with RM 3.0 for the same intended purpose.

if I use 2 triggers (active OR inactive) instead of just one (changed), it seems to be working ok. So, here is my true question: am I missing something about the changed trigger, or is this a bug about to be corrected?

Whatever I do, 1 trigger, 2 triggers (active / inactive) it seems to run in a pretty random way. As soon as the device returns "inactive", lights turn off...

You need a cancel delay

There is one already, I think... ?

No that just says it’s allowed to be canceled.

If mode exit rule
Else if motion is not active and light is on
Turn off with a delay if 5 mins (cancel)
Else if motion active and light is off
Turn on light
Cancel delay
End if

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ooooh! I thought that's what the (cancel) did already. So what is it for? I'm lost here haha

It just says it’s allowed to be canceled.

Yes, sorry, got it right after posting... thanks so much!

Is there a reason you aren't using Motion Lighting instead of Rule Machine for this? Motion Lighting was designed for this exact purpose and has lots of customizations possible (not that your rule is doing anything beyond the basic functions it also provides), plus it's a lot easier to set up. As you've discovered, RM is quite complex and requires some learning. Simple rules like these are certainly a good place to start out, and you've already learned one thing (check out the RM 4 docs if you haven't already).

Just thought I'd point this built-in app out in case you're not aware--no need to make things harder on yourself than you need to. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your contribution. I am aware of the existence of the built-in app and I don't remember why I decided to use RM instead, beside the fact that I was facing some issues with its functionality, probably due to an error on my side while I was migrating from ST, three weeks ago.

Btw, can someone lead me to a place where I can read what the groups such as "owner" and "ambassador" are about and how it works? I mostly figure them out, except for some like "owner"... what does this one mean?

Owner means you own a Hub. You need to speak to @bobbyD for that. He'll sort you out.

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Done :slight_smile:


Awesome, thanks!