Can't Delete/Discover Zwave Device

I'm having problems deleting a Zwave device on Hubitat C7. Device 0x15 will not do anything when I hit DISCOVER. I know this is an unneeded bad entry but see no way of deleting it - Repair, Refresh, Discover buttons all do absolutely nothing.

Any help? Is there a manual way to delete this device somehow?

Was this a failed pair of the device below it? In other words, did you have trouble pairing the Sound Machines & Fans device, or have to pair it multiple times for it to take?

If that is the case, try unplugging or removing the batteries from this device, and try the Refresh button and see what happens.

Yes I believe it was a failed pair but I'm unsure which device it was....

I'll try Unplugging a few devices and hitting Refresh. What should happen exactly if I unplug the "correct" bad pair device?

Unplugged both devices that I had pairing issues with. Refresh button it shows a REMOVE button but clicking this button doesn't remove it. It's still there no matter what I do.

I don't have a C7, so going by memory here. I think they go away after a bit, I don't think this is an instantaneous thing. Once it is marked "bad", it should eventually go away.

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Yeah give it chance now. You could try shutting the hub down and unplugging it. Make sure the device and powered back up and power the hub back up. That might kick it into gear.

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Still nothing. I've tried all this before. This morning the "Remove" button is now gone......and the device is still there.

I've waited a week for it to heal and delete itself as I read that it should take care of this. It's not happening.

Now what?

Is there no manual way to delete this device? Everything else is fully functional on my Zwave network except this one entry which refuses to delete or respond to ANYTHING.

I can't be the only person who has ran into this?

Might find what you’re looking for in this thread; How to get rid of Phantom (Ghost, Non Operating) Zwave Nodes

also i have found if you nip these in the bud ie (if you see the failed pair immediately) and before pairing again do an exclude of the device you usuaully can get them to go away right away.


I'll have to do a lot more playing with excluding devices based on your post.. What a terrible way of dealing with these phantom devices. Definitely something that needs improvement on Hubitat. There should be a FORCE remove option of some sort.

So frustrating for something that should be SIMPLE.

The hub is supposed to remove these automatically, but it is not reliable. From all the posts, the auto-remove doesn't work. I've never seen it work over 2 years on my C4