Can't add v1 Hue Dimmer Switch to HE hub

I have 3 v1 Hue dimmer switches (the one on the right here):

I had them paired with my HE hub for the longest time but at some point they stopped working (within the last 12 months or so). It's hard to pinpoint exactly when since I had started using other methods for controlling the devices they were connected to. Recently, I made it my mission to repurpose them for something else, but found that I couldn't get them to reconnect in any way. I've tried factory resetting, deleting anything in my hub that referenced them, different device handlers. You name it.

I'm wondering if there is a known issue with this particular model and/or if there are any workarounds to get the hubitat hub to recognize them again?

Sorry if this is an obvious question, but if they just stopped working, the most likely cause to me seems like a dead battery (much more likely than spontaneously falling off the network, at least with "standard" devices like these), especially if you're unable to get them to pair again. Have you tried with a new battery to make sure that's not the problem?

Not a bad thought, but I do get all the proper flashing lights on resets and button presses. Is it possible that a dying battery could affect proper pairing?

Possibly, though a less likely thought if you're actually getting some feedback on the device. Still can't hurt to try. (I know some people have had back luck with the batteries dying notably faster on Hubitat than Hue, and I gave up on mine for both that plus the fact that I like Picos far better, but mine was totally dead before I made that choice...)

Yes, without a doubt.

I use Konke temperature/humidity sensors. One of them stopped reporting a while ago, and I assumed it had fallen off. I reset it - it flashed the correct pattern, but would not re-pair. So I was convinced it was a bad sensor and replaced it. A couple of months later, I happened to measure the battery voltage for another reason, and it was 2.85V. I replaced the battery with a new one, and it paired up right away with Hubitat and reports just fine.

I got out my trusty mulitmeter to test the batteries last night. They seem to be supplying the proper amount of juice.

My gut is leaning heavily towards some leftover/corrupt data on the hub side of things. I do have the native Hue app installed on the HE, along with a couple other ones I found in attempts to get the switches to be recognized. I'm wondering if I'm at the point where going the nuclear route and blowing everything away is my best option? This is only a bummer because I have a bunch of lights paired and then everything is piped into a homeassistant hub which can get really unstable when you start pulling data out from under it.

If you are getting 3 devices not connecting, that is certainly odd, and I would think points to something more fundamental than an issue with an individual device. Not that I want to make it sound too doom and gloom... More that there is more likely something happening on the HE hub than something like battery levels, etc.

Do you have something else you could pair them with, like a zigbee stick connected to a raspberry pi, or do you have a Hue Bridge?

Good call!
They all pair to my Hue hub without issue. Sorry, I should have mentioned that bit from the start!

That's a good start... Could it be the channel you are using, what Zigbee channel is your HE hub running?

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Is the Hue bridge on a different channel from the Hubitat hub?

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And WiFi channel....

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Also, not sure if it's been asked, do you have anything else paired with your HE? That is still working?

I can confirm that my hubs are all on unique/different zigbee channels (I think this is preferable?)

Not sure what you mean by wifi channel?

And, yes, I have a bunch of stuff paired to the HE hub and working as expected. Basically my smart home setup is HE->HA where I pair all hardware to the HE and control it all using HA as my frontend.