I am trying to migrate from ST my new c-8. I am running into trouble with the 8-10 GE switches that I own. Here are the light switches that I have:
Enbrighten Z-Wave Smart Rocker Light Switch with QuickFit and SimpleWire, 3-Way, Works with Alexa, Google Assistant, ZWave Hub Required, Repeater/Range Extender, White & Light Almond, 2-Pack, 47900
I've followed instructions to remove from ST so I think they should be properly excluded. I've tried:
Add Device
Find By Brand
Select: "GE/Jasco"
Select: switch
Select: 43072, 43074, 46201, 46202
Select: Start Z-wave Inclusion
Then on my switch I've tried:
* Press down then up on my switch
* Press up one time on the switch.
I can't see to get switch to start inclusion mode. I thought this migration was going to be smooth, but so far its not. I'm hoping it's user error on my part and hoping someone can point me in the direction.
Hello Chris:
I also had difficulty with adding these types of switches.
The key is the "cadence" in getting them paired up.
First make sure that they are "factory reset".
If you do this on the Hubitat, you will see, in the Hubitat logs: unknow switch excluded (or words to that effect).
Then go into pairing mode - if you don't see the led flash or blink, then you don't have the cadence correctly. You may have to experiment severalk times, until you get the right "rhythm" of off and on.
Start exclusion mode on the hub (Add Device>Z-Wave>Start Exclusion)
Try either of the following, one should work:
Press on 10 times quickly
Press on 3 times quickly, off 3 times quickly
When it works you will see a message on the hub that the switch was excluded. You could get a message that says "Unknown Device Excluded" in some cases, that means that the device you excluded was already removed from the hub's Z-Wave database.
If neither works, try pulling the airgap for a minute or so, push it back in, start exclusion on the hub, and then try the exclude button presses again.
You may have to try more than once to get the cadence/speed correct. One of the above should work w/your switch.
Don't kill power to the switch when you're doing a normal exclusion.