Can't access Dashboards on App. "web page not available"

I keep getting a "web page not available" error (pic attached) when trying to access dashboards via the App. Every once in a while it will work but it seems random and doesn't work most of the time.

The address unreachable error would indicate either your mobile or HE are not in contact. Others may be able to advise you in more detail... :slight_smile:

Just for the sake of argument, if you go to Tools, Connect to Hub, and then Dashboards from there does it work? Looks like it's trying to contact the hub via a local connection and can't find it.

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@thebearmay Yes, that does work. Its how I've been using my App for a while now. This started after a move and installing a new router.

The part that is frustrating is that it does work sometimes without me messing with anything.

Have you fixed IP's for both your mobile and more importantly your HE hub?

Did you put the hub in as a reserved IP on the new router?

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Can you guess we have been here before.... :slight_smile:

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It seems to be a well worn path... :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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The hub now has a way to fix its IP in settings without reserving on router. That's good for me as I have a really basic router.


Don't feel that is directed at you @Cropgun, more a comment on the number of questions we get about your issue. Obviously we are more than happy to help and hopefully it will be an easy one for us to sort out.

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That sounds like the mobile is not connecting consistently to the router... If it is intermittent. Not to intentionally blow @thebearmay 's trumpet (okay maybe I am, even though he has now liked this post), I would install his Hub Info drivers and confirm the IP of the hub remains consistent. If this is the case, then I expect it will be the connection of the mobile that is changing and needs attention.

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@sburke781 @thebearmay

Hey no worries. Such is the circle of life on forums. :smile:

I do not have a reserved IP on the new router for either the hubitat or my phone. Wasn't aware that was a requirement I did have a reserved IP for my hubitat on my old router at the old house. I will try that.

And now as a I look at the IP address on the error page that I posted a pic of is not the IP address of the hubitat. Is there a way to tell the app what IP address to use?

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The app will eventually find the hub without a reserved IP, but depending on IP traffic the request may time out before it gets a response - that's what it looks like you are seeing.

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I usually check my list of network devices on my router, or using Fing app that tells you more about each device, if I am not sure what address one of my devices is using

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Ideally anything you care about should have an address reserved. Not something you can pick up anywhere, it is a very etherial recommendation, but something very important in any "important" network.


That sounded like some gramdiose statement, potentially a criticism of your network setup. Please don't interpret it like that, only as a suggestion, but one that may improve your experience.

My problem I get with this is I have a complicated setup with VLAN's (IOT vs Core) in my home network. If my phone is on core, and my hubitat is on my IOT vlan, i get this issue. If i switch my phone over to my IOT vlan, works fine.

More tuning of fw rules needed here.....