Cannot see new C7 MAC address on my ASUS router

Just bought a new C7 and plugged it into my ASUS RT-AC86U router. Led light turned green a couple of minutes after power up.
Used getstarted.hubitat to find the hub and got nothing. Also tried the advanced discovery functions, with the MAC address, and local IP address range. Also got nothing.

Went to my ASUS router page, and noticed that I do not see the C7 MAC address anywhere in the client list.

Have tried to do a pin reset on the C7. LED turned blue, then red, and then green. Still does not show up on the router client list.

What else can I try? I'm about to return the unit back to Amazon. Perhaps I have a defective unit.


I use that router model with asus-merlin code.
Are you connecting with ethernet cable or through wifi? If with ethernet are you plugging into the router? Does the port status light on the router or switch come on when you plug in?

I'm using ethernet cable. C7 does not have wi-fi. The plugs at the ASUS router actually do not have LED lights. But I have a TP-Link switch connected to the router. And I have tried plugging the C7 into the TP-Link switch, and the port light does light up green there. However, I do not see the C7 MAC address at the router page when the C7 is plugged into the TP-Link switch either.

Oh, the ASUS port does work, because I plugged other devices to it and the device shows up immediately on the router client list. I have also tried using different ethernet cables with the C7.

Sorry, again just to clarify.. Yes, I use ethernet cable plugging C7 directly to the ASUS router (and I have also tried plugging C7 with cable to my TP-Link switch which is connected to the router).

You could try to set a DHCP reservation on your router for the hub... Ethernet MAC address of the hub is on the bottom of the hub on the sticker. You should be able to add it to your router reservation list using the MAC address and set a reserved IP for the hub.

Then reboot the router...if It is talking to the router it'll get the assigned IP address and you can try to get to the hub directly using that.

There is a possibility you've received a bad hub, HE staff has indicated in the past that occasionally Amazon will be lazy and ship out a returned hub.

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I do have DHCP server on at the router, so wouldn't it assign a IP automatically without the reservation? That seems to work for my other devices. Does the C7 need a reservation?

But I will try your suggestion. If this doesn't work, there's nothing else to try?

The C7 box that came does seem very banged up, and almost looks used. Maybe you're right that I got a return unit.

I just set a DHCP reservation on the router for the MAC id, rebooted the router. No luck. Do not see the MAC address on the router client list.

Guess I got a dud and will return it. Thank you for your help anyway!

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If you got it from Amazon, they are notorious to reselling returned devices, even though Hubitat asks them not to. @bobbyD might want to get involved.


Before you send it back, could you please send me a private message along with your hub's MAC address?

The only other things I can think of to check before sending it back is inspect the contacts in the Ethernet receptacle. They are a wire spring of sorts and travel in a slot. They can get misaligned and fail to make contact thus breaking layer 1 (physical)