Cannot log into the Hub

Portal.Hubitat cannot find my hub. My router shows a different address than shown in Hub Details. Typing in the the address given by the router gets me into some apps but not Dashboard. I don't know when this started, it's been several months since I needed to make adjustments to the Apps or Dashboard. A friend who is more IT savvy, suggested that a power outage may have caused the router to assign a new address during reboot causing the Portal and Dashboard to look for the wrong address.

Try: http://hubitat.local

That should bring you to the hub.

Edit: @thebearmay’s reply bellow is much better/more elaborate than mine, and I would definitely follow his advice. :smile:


If you type hubitat.local into your browser do you get anything useful? If not you could try using the router’s IP version at port 8081 (http://routersVersion:8081) and reboot the hub to see if it resolves anything. Once you get it back working correctly, I’d recommend considering adding a DHCP reservation for you hub into the router.

Edit: See Sebastien slipped in with the same idea as I was typing…:sunglasses:


You need to figure out which IP address is assigned to your hub by your router. Routers normally assign IP addresses using DCHP, which means it can be assigned a different address every time the router reboots. This can be prevented by reserving a specific IP addess for use by the Hubitat hub. If you are using other bridges or hubs such as Lutron, Hue, etc. I suggest you assign specific IP addresses to them as well.

You may be able to go into your routers IP address table and identify your devices. If you are using a PC, you can download and run a free program called Advanced IP Scanner by Solarwinds. I am sure there are similar programs for other operating systems.

The scanner will identify the IP address of every device connected to your router. However, it might not specifically identify the Hubitat hub as a Hubitat device. You might need to identify the specific device using the Mac address listed on the back of the hub.

Once you know the address of the hub, you should be able to connect to your hub by entering that specific IP address into your browser URL bar.

Be sure to go into your router configuration and reserve that IP address for you hub. Every router manufacturer uses a different interface, so you will have to check the documentation for your router to determine the procedure to do this.

Also, If you do not already have one, I would highly recommend that you get a Uninteruptable Power Supply (UPS) to supply power to your router, Hubitat and any other bridges and hubs that you might use. This will protect them from both power failures and power surges. Since these are low power devices, one rated at 650 VA or even less will suffice. I use the APC BE650G1 rated at 650 VA. These devices often come with outlets that have battery backup and outlets that have only surge protection for higher power devices such as printers and speakers. Make sure your router, hubs and bridges are plugged into the battery backup outlets.

Thank you! Hubitat.Local let me right in and I made some Device Edits successfully. Once I completed my task. I Exited, and returned via Portal.Hubitat without issue. Thanks again, Fred

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I am glad you got in, but did you fix things permanently so it never happens again?

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In relation to the UPS, do you have some sort of automation that safely shuts down the hub if the power remains off for a significant period and the battery backup is getting low?

I know some UPS devices had a USB cable that could shut down a PC when the battery got low. However, I have no idea how to make that work with Hubitat.

The power draw of a computer might be hundreds of VA. A large UPS will only power a desktop computer for under an hour. In contrast, the power draw of Hubitat is under 5 VA, so even a small UPS will be able to power Hubitat for two days. I would hope that would give you time to power it down manually. If you anticipate an even longer outage, a 1500 VA model should last for about six days.

The answer would be a NO. I enter portions of the Hub via the IP address assigned by my router, but the Dashboard is inaccessible. My IP address is 192.168.... and for some reason, when I select Dashboard as a destination, the system looks at IP This is not even close to the range of Private IP addresses. Is there somewhere that I can change where Hubitat looks for the Dashboard?

169,254.x.x is generally an indication that the hub came up when DHCP was unavailable. May want to reboot the hub and see if that corrects the redirect.

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