Cannot Find My C8 Hub

I have gotten to Step 6 on and my hub cannot be found despite a steady green light.

I have tried:

Connecting without ethernet cable (does not come up as a network on either PC or iphone)

Connecting with multiple different ethernet cables and using different ports on my modem

Using the advanced search function with my IP address and the hub's MAC address

Used Safari, Edge, and Chrome (incognito mode too)

Used an IP scanner to find the hub and di not find it.

Hard reset did not change anything aside from some blue blinking that is back to green and steady

Restarted Modem that it is connected to too

I have looked through various resources on the forum and reddit with none of the solutions regarding https vs http working for me.

Bought from Hubitat US store

You could try to see if it's different. Otherwise it's possible your hub just didn't get connected to your LAN for some reason. Does your router have a way to see connected devices (and their IP address) via some sort of management interface? Most do, often accessible via a web browser at your router's IP address. This would provide the best way to see if the device is really connected; if not, nothing else you try is likely to work.

This sounds like you did a network reset, using the button on the bottom of the hub -- which is a good step to try (not a "hard reset" but the network reset is really all you'd need to help with this anyway if it's the cause).

One more thing you can try:

Since you're using a C-8, you could try Wi-Fi to rule out problems with something in your wired setup. The site steps you through this, as do the docs:

Ultimately, however, it's just finding the "MyNewHubitat" network your hub broadcasts and connecting to it to configure the hub for your actual Wi-Fi network (your phone/tablet/computer should switch back to your regular home Wi-Fi after that, but check that it did if not--and your hub should be connected to it then). If that works, you can see about connecting it to Ethernet after you're able to actually get it set up and see more about its connection status.

If nothing else, others may have more ideas (or it's possible you ran into a rare but not impossible case of a defective hub and Support could straighten that out).

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Oddly enough, I left my PC for like an hour and when I came back, the hub's network was discoverable (was not previously). I was able to set it up without any ethernet cable at that point. Not really sure what happened, so I don't think I will be able to help anybody but maybe just a very extended boot?

Anyway, yes, when I checked the devices connected to my router's IP address, it was not on there.

Thanks for helping!