Cannot connect to my C-7

Yes I tried ip shown on the routerā€¦ thx I Fixed the picā€¦

Oh wow I think we are on to something hereā€¦. I am trying to reassign the correct ip address it says itā€™s out of my ip range. And now suddenly the hub appears to go offline according to my router but the light is greenā€¦so frustrating

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Whats your subnet mask

Well I readjusted my ip to a range and reserved the correct ip and I can connect nowā€¦. Tried soft reset and I reinstalled from a few different backupsā€¦. But I canā€™t upgrade when it checks for updates it just searches and never endsā€¦. A lot of the connections via the web browser instead of the app donā€™t seem to workā€¦

Try changing Ethernet speed...if you're on Fixed change to Auto, or vice-versa:


Thanks for the repliesā€¦I tried switching it to autoā€¦..

Still seems stuck

Assuming you marking my post "Solution" was a typo, since you're still stuck.

@jtp10181 - any other ideas?

Ugh yes still stuckā€¦..

I sort of got lost as to what the actual problem is. Can you summarize the current issue?

After loss of connection for months I was able assign the corrct ip to my hub and connect and I did a soft reset restoring trying several backup filesā€¦. It comes back and it is accessible through the app but will not update and it does not seem to connect while using the web browser for several functionsā€¦ but I cannot update the hub at allā€¦

Is the Registered Hubs page still showing last activity 2023-09-06 ?

Go to Settings > Network Setup > Network Test
In the ping test first try the default then replace that with and try it again. Post results.

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Thatā€™s where it was before with a random ip address and I could not connect at all via app or brwserā€¦. I had adjust my routers ip range and set a static ip to access it at allā€¦.it took a while to get to this pointā€¦. If you think I should try removing the ip reservation I can but I was unable to connect to whatever ip it was given before doing all thisā€¦ I can attempt to move it to the gateway eero when I get home later firstā€¦.
Thank you for sticking g with me on thisā€¦

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All I want you to do is answer my question and try what I suggested.

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Ok! Will do when I get home it appears my remote admin is not working eitherā€¦. Ugh

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I cannot see the hub remotely so I cannot answer re: the last active time I can confirm that also when I get home after workā€¦

Ok removed ip reservation and hub was already switched to DHCP. Last check in date is the same in Hub details. except on this pageā€¦

Under Registered hubs last Check in it says 9/06/23


:point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

Canā€™t seem to access the hub/that page nowā€¦. However the Hub details page shows a recent checkin:

Sorry working some wack hours this weekendā€¦

If its online and now connected to the cloud, why would you not be able to access it? Thats the opposite of logic.

I think you need to get your home network sorted out, seems like it is a wreck.

It worked perfectly for over a year I donā€™t know where to start.