I've spent a little while in Rules Machine but no luck getting this working.
I'd like to cancel a Timed Action for a motion sensor if the controlled dimmer is changed manually. So if a person dims the light up or down or to 100% etc I want to cancel the timer that would otherwise turn off the dimmer.
So far I have got the rule to run the motion sensor with a delay working, set the conditions to cancellable.
This is an example of a rule I setup yesterday with some help from @neonturbo. It shows something similar to what you are trying to do, at least in the sense I am cancelling turning off a switch if the rule get's fired again and the situation has changed. I think the difference with yours is you need to also include a trigger of the dimmer being changed. Whether you do that in the same rule and include some kind of conditions or split the rule into one triggered by motion and the other by the dimmer, with the dimmer rule cancelling the actions in your motion rule (this can be done), I might leave that for others to comment or you could give it a go and see if it works.
EDIT - I haven't completed testing of this rule, just wanted to put that disclaimer in there...
Thanks for both of your help. The solution turned out to be simpler than I imagined it to be.
I was thinking that a check to see whether rule 1 was actually running was required, but that's not necessary.
Pseudo code.
Rule 1
Motion sensor triggers dimmer
Wait 1 minute before turning off dimmer
Rule 2
If status of Dimmer level changes
Cancel timed action in rule 1
go back an look at my example physical dimmer change is different than normal dimmer change.. ifyou want to try only the physical switch you need what i described. i told exactly what to look at previously but you obviously ignored it.
Not all drivers support tracking physical and digital switch operations separately. If yours does, you can bind to a trigger on only a physical press of a button in order to handle behaviors separately from other (dashboard/rule) actions.
It may well be that that you’ve done is sufficient for your use case. It looks like it is, to me. Just bear in mind that if anything changes the dimmer level (even if not a physical press of the switch) the rule timer will cancel.
I’m new to this platform and evaluating it from another platform so am currently testing a few scenarios to ensure it will meet my needs before committing. I’ll take a look at that post.
What I did above does not work because the MS is activated again as soon as it senses movement after cancelled and I needed it to stay inactive until the physical switch was turned OFF.