Cancel Timer and restart when motion becomes active again

I set this rule up and know it may give me issues, so I am attempting to find a way for it to cancel the timer if motion be comes active again, during the timer period.

This may work bette to get e the timer cancel.

Another option would be this

Actions to Run
Wait for Expression: Back Door Lock locked
IF (Back Porch Light in on) Wait for Expression: mZone... inactive --> duration: 0:10:00
Off: Back Porch Fans

This is close to what you have except it'll turn off the fans immediately when the door is locked if the light are off. If the lights are on it'll wait for 10 minutes of inactivity. Note that the IF is a simple condition so THEN and END-IF are not used.


I will try yours instead---- As always, Thank you . :slight_smile: