Can we list things for sale?

I have 5 smart things buttons I want to unload... I am sick of them. I am thinking of selling them for 10 bucks each ... nothing wrong with them

I am not sure if we are allowed to buy/sell here or not though...

Someone delete if this is no bueno.

It's been done before, even HE hubs, and no one complained, so I'll guess it's fine.
These are the single action ST buttons? Mine work fine for over a year, so possibility might be your mesh.
What issues are you having? I might be able to help if you'd like...


Thanks man. It probably / maybe is my mesh... not sure... it also seems like it might be a wake up thing... often times I have to hit the button a few times and it finally goes.

I am SUPER tired of that.... I mean SUPER tired of it! So far this Caseta pico has been doing pretty well... so I am dumping the buttons I think... hopefully for better reliability.

The straw that broke the camels back was when we had a bad somehow get into our living room in the middle of the night. I yelled to my wife to push the panic button (1st time ever for real) and when she did... NOTHING happened. That is no good. The damn smart things button somehow didn't work. So that was it... gone. :slight_smile:

@kv1 - I'd love to get some more, but I'm assuming you are in the US, not Aus?

yeah... US.

Did you sell these buttons?

Perhaps one forum could be made for buying and selling. I know I have stuffI've bought but then not needed too. May be common.

I did - thanks for checking. :slight_smile:

This panic button worked for me when 3 guys kicked in my front door at my old house at 2 in the morning.


In addition to my primary duties in the marines I was also a hand-to-hand combat instructor in the Marines. I'm 6'2" about 250 lbs and people don't usually step up to me when I face off with them, but one time a guest brought over a new boyfriend and he got pretty stupid after getting drunk and attacked my wife. I put him in a modified rear naked choke with a spinal nerve pinch and held it until the police arrived about 10 minutes later taking care to release some pressure occasionally so he wouldn't die, but enough to keep him unconscious. I had my wife grab a taser incase I was unable to maintain the hold (didn't want to risk the wife shooting me if he came to and got loose). There isn't a better substitute for personal safety than knowing how to defend yourself. It takes seconds to loose your life and the cops respond in minutes.


Love the post... couldn't agree more!

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Glad you moved. Even the most secure periphery can be breached. It is best to be prepared.

Are we selling hand to hand training?? I'm so in...

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Rear naked choke is pretty easy for anyone to execute. The version I use protects your head and locks them up with one arm. The other hand is free to control the subject or apply more pain. Take your weak arm and make a knife with your fingers at the same side of their neck. In a fast motion sweep around their neck under their chin and grab around the back side of your neck. This will form a super tight lock that requires no squeezing. Just tilt your head back if you need to apply more pressure. With your free arm reach in the pocket behind their neck. Make a fist and protrude your middle knuckle and shove it into the disk between two vertebrae. The pain from this alone will put them into an instant panic and make them unable to defend against the choke. You'll feel their pulse throughout this process in your bicep and forearm. Once they loose consciousness they'll probably deficate or urinate on themselves (this happens a lot). It takes about 3 seconds once locked in for them to become unconscious. If you feel their pulse slowing too much relieve some pressure from the choke so they can get some blood in the brain. They'll remain unconscious for about 10 to 20 seconds after you let up so only give them a few seconds with each relief. When they come to they'll be very confused and disorientated with no recollection of what just happened. Keep in mind that this can be lethal if held too long without providing releases and requires practice. Professional hands on instruction is recommended.

Nice choice. Ever used a CZ p10F? Thinking of adding to my collection

I've put around 300 rounds through one and it seemed fine. I'm not really a fan of 9s though. All my guns I have I use for self defense and prefer a .40 or a .45 in handguns. I have a Glock 23 my wife shoots which is like the cz but looser tolerances and a bigger caliber. I bought her it because she never cleans it and it just runs like a champ. It has over 3000 rounds through it and never been cleaned. She does use a finger extension mag though so it fits her hand better. The Kimber 1911 is my personal favorite. Maybe I lucked out on the barrel lottery but I've never shot anything even close to as accurate. The .22 conversion slide is great too when I just want to kill some paper at the range on the cheap.

Thanks for the info!
I wondered what the other slide in the box was, that very innovative. I never looked at Kimber, mostly due to price. Plus in my state getting a pistol permit takes forever, apparently the "shall not infringe" in the 2nd, doesn't apply in NJ.

Do they have any “well-regulated militias” in NJ?

(Sorry, couldn’t resist. Not trying to derail the topic into a gun rights debate, I promise :v:)

Edit: although we seemed to have moved away from the OP onto a discussion of individual handgun preferences anyway :man_shrugging:.

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Never thought I'd get a suppressor approved but eventually, it went through.

That's similar to my panic button. :slight_smile:

(although mine is a wimpier Glock 19 w/hollow points so I don't kill everyone in the other room :wink: I prefer the glock 17, but the 19 fits the wife's hand better)