Can we have tuya local like HA?

Please? Can we? For WiFi devices?
Thank you

Can you elaborate?

Are you asking for Tuya devices that use WiFi to be added to the hub’s list of compatible devices (i.e. by developing new built-in drivers)?

Are you looking for community developed solutions for integrating Tuya WiFi devices with Hubitat?

Something else?

Edit: Also which specific home assistant integration are you referring to? Please include a link to it.


Its already been done to an extent with limited device support. It is a TON of work to maintain because Tuya has very lose standards so every new device that comes out may need tweaks.

There are some example driver templates floating around that could be used to create device specific drivers for any device, just need to put in the work.

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Not the built-in Tuya integration, which is a cloud integration.

I assume that’s this one:

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There are two local integration for HA:

"Local Tuya" and "Tuya Local". Both are community integration and require a developer account with Tuya.

If one has any of those setup in HA then HADB would do the trick. :innocent: