@saurabh9 Think of "sticky" as stays... So contact "stays open" moisture "stays wet" lock "stays unlocked" for x amount of time , then do this think I want it to do...
You could do is , If any door open "and stays" open for 5:00 Set thermostat mode off. then adjust the rest of the rule accordingly.
Thanks, and that is exactly my lack of understanding at the moment. How is the new "stays open" for 5 mins, different than the older "stays open" for the duration of 5 mins ?
This example will trigger upon the passing of 5 minutes after the back Door opens and stays open. If the door closes before 2 minutes, it won't trigger.
Good catch that is because I moved all my sensors and setup from old house to new house. In old house this contact sensor was on a sliding window but in new house i put it on sliding backyard door. I'll update the message.