Can’t access hub variables screen

I tried to rename a variable and accidentally hit “back” in the process. Now whenever I go to the hub variables screen it errors out.

Note “Circadian Color Temperature” is the name of the variable I was renaming that I assume now his a null set that’s breaking the query… how can I resolve? I’m fine even just deleting the variable entirely but don’t know how without the UI.

Here’s the error

Error: java.sql.SQLException: NULL not allowed for column "GLOBAL_VARIABLE_NAME"; SQL statement: UPDATE app_id_global_variable_link SET global_variable_name = ? WHERE global_variable_name = ? [23502-214] Query: UPDATE app_id_global_variable_link SET global_variable_name = ? WHERE global_variable_name = ? Parameters: [null, Circadian Color Temperature]

Might look at:

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