I have a device that was not working. I could not get REMOVE in z-wave details to work so I powered my USB Z-wave stick and included it in HE. The device (149) did not show up in the USB PC Controller list. I know how to remove a ghost but as it is not on the list how do I remove it?
I had this issue once, pulled my hair out.
I excluded the PC Controller & re-paired the PC Controller again using Classic Learn. Then the ghost device displayed. Make sure your PC Controller stick is very close to the hub when in Hubitat inclusion mode.
It might have been a fluke, but after a few attempts at different inclusion methods, it showed up.
Have you tried mashing the refresh button? I had a similar issue and it took a lot of hitting refresh before getting the remove button.
I got it to remove. I included and excluded the PC controller several times several ways and rebooted the hub several times. I never got the controller to recognize the device. Finally, I used the remove button several times and it worked. Thanks for the help.