Can I use a 433mhz remote to control z-wave?


I am totally new to this and struggling to find an answer to my question.

I know that with the telldus you can use a 433mhz remote to control z-wave.. as explained in this guide: google for this "Telldus_Guide_Control_Z-Wave_w_433MHz_Remote_en.pdf"

Can I do this with hubitat as well? Is there a guide for this?


Not by itself. Hubitat doesn’t have the necessary radio. You can add a Bond Bridge to your system. It has the radios for 433 and 315 MHZ devices.

Here is a thread about the community driver that enables it to connect interface with Hubitat.


i second the bond bridge. i have somfy blinds that use the 433MHz frequency, and i taught the remote to my bond bridge. linked the bond to HE, and created virtual switches to act as buttons. this way i'm able to control my blinds from HE and not bond directly

Thanks for the replies.. maybe there is a simpler solution, there sure must be remote controls with z-wave? so I can turn on and off my lights/groups without using my computer all the time?

you don't need to only use a computer. you can create a dashboard and use your mobile phone/tablet. you can integrate it with voice commands via Alexa/Google Home. you can create rules to have it trigger at certain times or under certain criteria

i'm not aware of any remote control that is both zwave and radio, but i could be wrong. you could get a zwave remote though, and based on the button you press, it can trigger the bond command.

the heart of remotely controlling your RF devices is the bond bridge. you can then get another device to act as your intiator


There are a number of Z-wave button controllers available. Check out offerings from Zooz (The Smartest House is their store. ), Aeotec, and Nexia. The Nexia NX100 has a capability for 15 buttons with a configurable display for the button labels.

Be ware there are other devices that look like button controllers, but are secondary controllers. They are not really useable for your purpose. Jasco has built a lot of devices that fit in this category. Some of the Brands they sell under are Enbrighten, GE, Honeywell.

Let us know if you have any more questions.


@c014 Just noticed my typo. It is the Nexia NX1000.