Can I revert to 2.3.5, save backup, then try 2.3.7?

No idea what Category to use for this question, but this applies to my four C7 hubs, so I'm putting it here. Anyway... When using 2.3.5..x and previous firmware releases, I had a very stable system at our home using three C7 hubs spread over three buildings. I have a fourth hub at another location as well, and it also performed well using 2.3.5.x firmware (and all previous major releases). I had many problems with 2.3.6.x, primarily with Rules 5.1 and with hub mesh. Wanting to stay with current firmware if at all possible, I kept trying with 2.3.6 releases, and am now, finally, seemingly stable with, although I don't know that I'm fully convinced just yet. Now, here we are with 2.3.7. Sigh....

So, my question is, can I now revert back to the latest 2.3.5 release, save a backup to my local computer, and then try 2.3.7 (giving me the option to revert back to 2.3.5 if I wish)? Or am I stuck with 2.3.6 as the only option if I want revert back to a previous firmware? Please note that I do not use the Hubitat cloud backup for the three hubs at my home, but I do have it for the fourth, at another location. Thanks for any advice anyone can offer. I'm just leery of losing all hope,of ever going back to 2.3.5, just yet.

May have to use a special endpoint to get back 2.3.5, but should be doable.

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Correct see this post for example:

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There are many fixes in 2.3.7; including fixes for Hub Mesh, RM, and memory leaks. I think it’s the best release I have seen so far and doubt you will want to revert to a previous release.

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I also went back to 2.3.5 from The problem I had was in using rules that turned off 12+ devices. Some devices would randomly not turn off. Happened every few days.

Without a doubt, I also feel like 2.3.5 performed "snappier" and seemed more stable than 2.3.6. I also had started having much lower free memory on 2.3.6 and that trend has continued with 2.3.7.

I think I'm gonna stay on 2.3.7 for now as it seems to be doing well and I enjoy the UI and Homekit improvments over 2.3.5, but I do feel like, at least in the C-5, 2.3.5 was the best performing platform so far.

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The database is independent of the hub platform version. I am not aware of anything that would prevent you from going from 2.3.7 straight back to 2.3.5 if you chose. You would not need to restore a backup. You could save a copy of a final 2.3.6 backup before updating just in case. There is no need to go back to 2.3.5 just to take a backup.

To go back to old firmware there is a special endpoint where you can download old final releases and then they can be installed from the diagnostic tool. A backup restore DOES NOT restore the hub platform/firmware, only the database.


Ooooh, that's optimistic less than a day out of beta. I'm minded to wait another 24 hours before I let go of


Do you have information that’s not in the release notes?

Well, testetrs have been running it a long time... So not only a day old for them.

That said, there is already a known issues list - so one should assume another build will be coming "soon". May be better to wait a few days until it settles if upgrading frequently is undesirable.


He's a beta tester, so of course he does. :stuck_out_tongue:

No magic/gory details though. There were a LOT of memory fixes incorporated in 2.3.7, that's all. :man_shrugging:


As a user encountering low-memory warnings regularly, I’ve been combing the release notes looking for memory leak fixes. I did not initially install the latest because it did not mention this.

Wasn't in the release notes. I won't speculate as to why, although I have opinions.

That said, here is a confirmation from the dev:


Look at this flat line..... you'd think my hub was dead.


Yeah I usually give it a short while as the reported issues (often minor) taper off quickly.

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Back when my production hub wasn't in the beta, I always waited ~1 week post release to upgrade.

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21 hours in: The C-8 that's hovering around 370MB has 287 devices; 102 zigbee, 31 z-wave, and 2 Hue bridges. I really like the hourly heartbeat.


Thanks to everyone for the replies and info. We had a big storm here in Maine on Monday, so power has been out since then. That's enough to deal with, even with the generator saving the day. I think I'll save a backup, wait a few days for additional minor releases, and then try 2.3.7 in its latest version.


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