Can Hubitat control a Humidifier (levels) attached to an Ecobee Thermostat?

This can be done, but requires setting up Home Assistant (along with its HomeKit controller component), and then integrating Hubitat with Home Assistant. Both of which are relatively simple, but do require a Home Assistant setup.

However, in general, Ecobee's cloud is considered to be sufficiently reliable that it isn't necessary to setup local control.

There are multiple ecobee integrations for the Hubitat platform. All of which are cloud dependent (other than the Home Assistant route mentioned above). I don't know whether the built-in ecobee integration permits independent humidity control. However, both the other integrations most certainly do:

These being:

  1. Ecobee Suite from @storageanarchy, and
  2. Resilient and Comprehensive My Ecobee devices from @yracine66

I have listed the two integrations in the order that they first became available on the Hubitat platform. Note that the second integration is not free, and supported entirely by @yracine66, who has "Developer Plus" status.

@storageanarchy's integration is free, and is supported by the community of users who use it, along with Barry himself.

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