Can anyone help

I have 8 x aeotec and 3 x neo coolcam smart plugs, which stop working (stop turning on/off) every day, so have to shut down hub, disconnect power for 30 secs then reboot hub, i have to do this every day, i have just update hub today (24/3/21) to latest version, hoping this would help, but no joy there, Any help much appreciated

Are all of those zwave devices. Can you post screen shots of your zwave page so we can see how they are setup.


Yes they are all ZWaze devices, which are all setup on default settings, i did try changing some off the setting but didn't make any difference. It's funny as the aeotec multi sensor work fine, but i installed driver from community for them.

Can you post a screenshot of the entire z-wave details page?

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I uninstalled the Neo Coolcam smart plugs, as i thought they maybe interfering with the ZWave aeotec smart plugs.

Looks like this Hubitat C-5. Anyway, here's what I see right off the bat - there are two ghost nodes that should be removed (3, and 33).

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