Can anyone help explain this behavior?

Hi all,
I have a HomeSeer WD-200 Dimmer (built in driver) which has been installed for several years. I noticed a few days ago that when a scene comes on with a level of 30 it is set to a level of 6.

From looking at it today anytime I use the set level command from the device it works fine. When it is used in a scene it sets to level to 6. However, if you activate the scene then activate it again it works fine. From turning on the device debug mode I see:

dev:23702022-02-10 11:01:36.858 am debug dimmerEvents value: 6, type: digital
dev:23702022-02-10 11:01:36.856 am info BasicReport value: 6
dev:23702022-02-10 11:01:36.853 am debug parse description: zw device: 0A, command: 2003, payload: 06 63 0F , isMulticast: false
dev:23702022-02-10 11:01:35.067 am debug setLevel(30, 1)

If anyone has any advice I'd appreciate it. Thanks,
Matt G

Have you tried to fiddle with this?

Thank you the response, @brad5!
I had not so I just tested. Unfortunately, it does not appear to change anything:

dev:23702022-02-10 01:43:42.655 pm info Garage Front lights was set to 6% [digital]
dev:23702022-02-10 01:43:42.652 pm info Garage Front lights is on [digital]
dev:23702022-02-10 01:43:42.649 pm debug dimmerEvents value: 6, type: digital
dev:23702022-02-10 01:43:42.647 pm info BasicReport value: 6
dev:23702022-02-10 01:43:42.644 pm debug parse description: zw device: 0A, command: 2003, payload: 06 63 0F , isMulticast: false
dev:23702022-02-10 01:43:41.541 pm info Garage Front lights was turned on [digital]
dev:23702022-02-10 01:43:41.539 pm debug dimmerEvents value: 0, type: digital
dev:23702022-02-10 01:43:41.536 pm info BasicReport value: 0
dev:23702022-02-10 01:43:41.534 pm debug parse description: zw device: 0A, command: 2003, payload: 00 63 10 , isMulticast: false
dev:38412022-02-10 01:43:41.210 pm info Test - garage lights indicator off
app:20702022-02-10 01:43:41.077 pm info Activation complete
app:20702022-02-10 01:43:41.069 pm info on: Garage Front lights
dev:23702022-02-10 01:43:41.063 pm debug on()
app:20702022-02-10 01:43:41.056 pm info setLevel: Garage Front lights, level: 30
dev:23702022-02-10 01:43:41.047 pm debug setLevel(30, 1)
dev:38412022-02-10 01:43:41.036 pm info Test - garage lights indicator on
app:20702022-02-10 01:43:41.014 pm info Beginning activation

Interestingly, using the old codahq custom driver it does not display this problem.

dev:23702022-02-10 02:11:29.136 pm debug Parse returned [[name:switch, value:on], [name:level, value:30, unit:%]]
dev:23702022-02-10 02:11:29.133 pm debug dimmerEvents(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd)
dev:23702022-02-10 02:11:29.131 pm debug parse(zw device: 0A, command: 2603, payload: 1E 1E 00 , isMulticast: false)
dev:23702022-02-10 02:11:24.216 pm debug Parse returned [[name:switch, value:on], [name:level, value:30, unit:%]]
dev:23702022-02-10 02:11:24.213 pm debug dimmerEvents(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd)
dev:23702022-02-10 02:11:24.211 pm debug parse(zw device: 0A, command: 2603, payload: 1E 1E 00 , isMulticast: false)
app:20702022-02-10 02:11:19.021 pm info Activation complete
app:20702022-02-10 02:11:18.996 pm info on: Garage Front lights
dev:23702022-02-10 02:11:18.991 pm debug on()
app:20702022-02-10 02:11:18.984 pm info setLevel: Garage Front lights, level: 30
dev:23702022-02-10 02:11:18.978 pm debug setLevel(30)
dev:38412022-02-10 02:11:18.967 pm info Test - garage lights indicator on
app:20702022-02-10 02:11:18.950 pm info Beginning activation

hmmmm maybe there was some sort of bug introduced in the driver? Seems odd though. Are you on the most recent firmware revision?

Yes, the firmware is reporting 5.14, which is the most recent version I can find on the Homeseer support site.

Strangely, I believe I fixed it. Given that it kept setting to the level "6" I figured I'd check the documentation to see if that was something specific. It appears to be the value for the default minimum dimming threshold (parameter 5). Checking that parameter shows it was set higher at some point:
ConfigurationReport- parameterNumber:5, size:1, value:14
So I reset parameter 5 to "1" (and checked all the other parameters, which were all at the defaults) and the problem appears to have stopped now.

dev:38412022-02-10 02:26:26.932 pm info Test - garage lights indicator on
dev:23702022-02-10 02:26:26.687 pm info Garage Front lights is 30% [digital]
dev:23702022-02-10 02:26:26.684 pm info Garage Front lights was turned on [digital]
dev:23702022-02-10 02:26:26.675 pm debug dimmerEvents value: 30, type: digital
dev:23702022-02-10 02:26:26.673 pm info BasicReport value: 30
dev:23702022-02-10 02:26:26.670 pm debug parse description: zw device: 0A, command: 2003, payload: 1E 1E 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:38412022-02-10 02:26:25.230 pm info Test - garage lights indicator off
app:20702022-02-10 02:26:25.095 pm info Activation complete
app:20702022-02-10 02:26:25.088 pm info setLevel: Garage Front lights, level: 30
dev:23702022-02-10 02:26:25.059 pm debug setLevel(30, 1)
dev:38412022-02-10 02:26:25.045 pm info Test - garage lights indicator on
app:20702022-02-10 02:26:25.024 pm info Beginning activation

So, I'm not sure what changed in the driver or why the minimum threshold would come into play, but it seems like it is working as expected again.

Thank you for your help, @brad5! I really appreciate you taking the time!


Hey no problem... didnt do much but you got it fixed


Always helps to have someone to talk to a problem about. The "teddy bear" role is invaluable. :wink: I had an engineer buddy at my old job who would drop by my cube frequently and start talking about whatever he was working on...half the time he would suddenly stop while talking and sprint back to his desk to implement whatever fix he'd just come up with while talking. :smiley:


Absolutely talking about the problem helps!

But also just thank you (both of you) for the time you took to engage! Time is valuable and you both gave some of your valuable time to people you don't know. That's a pretty awesome thing! So thank you!

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All we ask is you pay it forward at some point, that fuels our "perpetual support machine."

At least that's all I ask. If @brad5 sends you one of his famous "Oh no, my wife spent all my money, can you lend me $1,000,000!?!" PM's, please don't fall for it.
