Having some issues due to mode changes and Honeywell's cloud not taking frequent changes where the Ecomode isn't always doing what I want so I was going to try to make a rule to capture the current setpoint from the thermostat to a variable and then set the thermostat to a given value depending on it being in cool or heat mode. Got that far with no issue but when I go to set the temp back to the value I captured in the variable but when I try to use %temp% I get an error message about a bad value. Can we not use variables to set thermostat setpoints?
Are you trying to pass an integer or decimal value? Believe it needs to be integer.
Using NUMBER. Integer is not an option.
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Here is a dummy rule to show how to do it. This grabs the heating setpoint from one thermostat into a variable, and then sets another thermostat with that value.
Here is where it grabs the setpoint:
Here is where it sets the other thermostat:
And here are the logs of what happened when the rule rans its actions:
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No, temperatures are usually decimal values, e.g. 72.5. In Celcius, they must have decimals given how much a gap there is between integer values.
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Okay that's where I went wrong. Changed it to decimal and it's happy now. Thanks.