I'm interested to put live stream from nest camera and ring camera into my dashboards.
I was searching around and found this solution that looks great:
Put your web/ip cam into tinyCam (or suchlike).
Activate the webserver in tinyCam.
Get the url for that camera (for example, for tinyCam it is like this):
Add this driver to your Hubitat system:
preferences {
input("src", "text", title: "iFrame Url", required: true)
metadata {
definition (name: "iFrame", namespace: "srp", author: "sr…
Do you know if I can use it with Nest camera and Ring camera? What technical spec should I check there?
For ring you need to install the unofficial ring integration app from Hubitat Package Manager. That will get your ring doorbell stuff in.
For nest cam look here
I had my nest can showing in the dashboard via tinycam with a custom driver I wrote. The driver could cause issues if you weren't careful so I took it down. Although it does still work for me. I imagine there is a way to do it without too much issue. I just don't know what it is.
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List of supported cameras for tinyCAM.
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Rick, how will that get my livestream to the dashboard?
Ultimately im looking for a way to port my ring to HomeKit, replacing my HomeBridge instance running on a seperate Pi just for this.