Camera on Dashboard different issue

Hi all,
Hopefully an easily solved problem. I have a few IP Cams that I want to display on the Dashboard. I can get them to work by simply accessing the jpg URL in a Dashboard image tile however, it only works under a very specific circumstance that I can't get around and it's not usable.

  1. I can open up a tab in Chrome, paste the URL that includes my login info and it works fine.
  2. If I put that exact URL (with my login info) in the TIle URL the image will not load at all.
  3. If I remove my login info from the Tile URL the image will show and update properly but ONLY after I log in separately in another browser tab first.

Any suggestions to get the login info in the Tile URL to work? or how to get around this?


Camera's usually allow a couple of feeds. You're getting the login page because that is an encapsulated feed. Configure an mjpeg secondary and point to that secondary URL. If this isn't an option you can get a proper feed from a BlueIris server or a TinyCam app, or disable the login requirement.

Thanks, I'll play with that and see what I can come up with.

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Just to provide some feedback in case anyone else is in my shoes. I'm using SV3C IP cameras and going through all the menus/setups/etc, there is no way I can find to get around needing a UN/PSWD to get in. However, I am using Shinobi as my camera monitoring software and was able to access the streams through it by getting the API key, Group key, and Monitor ID and use that info in the tile. That's been working,

I'm already using NR, HE, and Alexa and was hoping not to involve yet another device but ya gotta do...
Thanks for the suggestions.

Yes unfortunately a lot of cameras encapsulate their streams. Which makes it difficult to get the raw feeds without jumping through hoops.

Hi @Angus_M, Thanks, I did read that one, too. I was going to try that until I had the 'duh' moment of 'Hey, I have Shinobi, I wonder if I can get to the camera from there?' And low and behold it was actually pretty easy.

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Perfect. Glad you found a good way to achieve what you needed!