Calibrating SCT013 10A/1V for ESP32

Hey, I am a newbie to programming, and I am working on creating a smart plug to measure the voltage, current, and subsequently the power consumption of the appliances I'll be plugging in using an ESP32 Dev kit. However, I'm encountering an issue with calibrating the current sensor, the "SCT013 10A/1V." Even when there's no power connected, it's giving me higher readings that I don't understand. I've used a voltage divider with 2x 10kohm resistors, and I'm currently using EmonLib to calculate the voltage, which is measured by the ZMPT101K sensor. However, none of the calibrations seem to be working accurately. The voltage measurement is almost close to the one I'm getting with the multimeter, but I'm still not satisfied with it. I plan to interface this data with Blynk IoT for remote monitoring. Can you please help me with getting the calibrations correct? Thank you