C8 Z-wave Radio unresponsive every few days

All my Z wave devices become Unresponsive every few days, will come back after Hard Reset. There are no Ghost devices & Zigbee radio not affected. I'm on Platform

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Sounds like the well documented (at least for a few of us) random hub lockups. The engineers have looked at several things and tried some tweaks, but so far it hasn't eliminated them.

I suggest pm'ing @gopher.ny your HUB ID so he can look at your engineering logs.

I have a particular hub that randomly locks up and it is quite annoying... It is my main hub, so when it happens, it brings everything down until I reboot.

Does this happen after a cloud backup?

Mine are at random times and have nothing to do with backups. Not sure about the OP.

Thanks for the suggestion, I sent him the HUB ID

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Not to be one of those people, but that's a beta build, right?

Yup. Anyone having issues with a beta firmware should report their problems in the beta category.

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When he started the thread he was on a release version. I'm guessing he updated in hopes it would fix the issue. There have been some sideline conversations I've had with Victor that the latest beta might fix some things... For me it has not, but possible Victor had him upgrade as well to try.

This is a public release firmware.

This is not.

OP should continue to seek assistance here, but @Timbb (or anyone using a beta hub firmware) should discuss issues in the beta category.

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I’m still on public release and have not upgraded to Beta. Problem still exist

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Is there any resolution to this in sight? I'm having to hard reset the Hub every few days & the Cloud back up fails Z-wave as well. Never experienced this issue with the C7

There is a platform release, you should update to that, it had some logging fixes that may be related to your issues.

That is the Platform I am on:

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Some Z-Wave changes are in process/current testing, release timing unclear. If you'd like to see if the current beta has an impact on your issues, you can join the beta group.

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