C8 unresponsive after updating from to

I’m very glad to hear that support is active. :+1:t2:

I don’t login to the C8 unless I’m actually doing something with it, so I have been noticing the hangups when things did not happen. I assume the load message is a normal boot up thing until all processes have started and completed their initialization routines.

Thanks for the tip.

Can I understand why my reply on this thread was removed ? I have the exact same problem and think it's important this is confirmed as an issue affecting multiple users ?

Your post was split to another post (by one of the other mods) as it seemed like it was not the same issue

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Exactly. Your issue is that Alexa issued commands are delayed. My issue is that the hub simply freezes until it is power cycled, so it was off topic.

Thanks! I wasn't notified in any way of the new thread, I should have searched for it !

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Typically there will be a note in the topic saying that something was split off, but for some reason that didn't seem to appear this time. Not really your fault.

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