C8 Pro New Installation connection time out

Yes, they are current..

Looking at all possibilities. There shouldn't be any difference using US-LR Region for z-wave and just the US region. I assume not because the show the same frequencies. Just ruling out possibilities.

I feel the culprit is still a misbehaving device, but trying to find it is difficult. I can create a work around by creating a rule or many that activate physical switches during the day to keep the devices connected, but that doesn't solve the issue.

No it does not matter.

I have no idea what it would be, I don't think I have ever seen these exact symptoms before. The part where if you use a device it brings things back to life is the mystery, usually once it is dead you have to shut down and restart.

If you can hang in here a bit longer with me to help break it down I'd greatly appreciate it.

Hubitat Hub is a micro computer processing data. When the devices stop responding they are still attached to the mesh network, they just can't access the hub, until the hub issue a command to one device on the hub. Once it does then the hub can receive and send traffic again. This is very similar to a PC going into sleep mode.

Could it be something with the New Integrated Mode Manager cause a sleep mode? I don't have any triggers associated with it.

I looked at the Zigbee setting, that came factory set, they are set to ping Zigbee devices every 3 hours. I do have Zigbee devices installed on the house that are not currently associated with a hub. It does show a Week signal found warning.

The 2 hubs are shown as meshed and show each others meshed devices set to sync every hour.

Maybe this is an issue? So when I set the Hubs up I gave them unique names, but when I looked at the Hub Details under "Hub name on LAN" both hubs were Hubitat. Both hubs are on the Lan.

Network Settings: I set both hubs up on my router with static IPs. I did not set any setting in the Hubitat network settings where it says "Switch to Static IP"
It says under Network settings
Hub's IP address is (Ethernet) via DHCP
WiFi is detected.
I have not setup any WiFi settings

Anything look out of place?

You should make the Hub name on Lan unique for each but that would not be causing this issue.

If you have managed to put your hub or zwave radio into sleep mode that’s a new one for me, I doubt it is possible.

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What would be my next action? Sounds like options are running thin. I don't know of anyone who has a Zniffer, I read how to build one, but it's definitely hitting the top of my computing skill level, probably a bit beyond.

What hub firmware/platform version are the hubs on right now?

A;lso, you keep bringing up networking stuff, but when I asked before you said just the devices stop reporting, the hub does not go offline, correct? Nothing ethernet or internet related would have anything to do with Z-wave.

Can you show the current topology map (red/blue boxes) from the hub with more devices on it? Its a button on the z-wave details page.

Hub Info:
Hub 1

Hub 2

Sorry, for the term confusion. The Hubitat hubs are online (working and showing up on the ethernet and cloud), they never drop off. All the devices show as connected but are disconnected after a certain time passes until one of the devices is triggered. Then the devices work correctly again, when I say correctly I mean they can connect to the hubitat hubs to run rules and log their information.

Hub 1 Topology

Both OD and 2E are older zooz dimmers 700 series, I had about 4 700 series dimmers that I reused.

That is the most solid and dense mesh I have ever seen.

Everything looks like it should be working fine.

You could file a warranty claim and hopefully staff will review engineering logs:
Warranty – Hubitat Support

Thank you for the advice, I sent in a claim and provided an explanation. I do have a Hubitat C7 I purchased years ago, but at that time I had very old Leviton z-wave switches and it wouldn't work and the developers said it wasn't worth trying to write drivers for it. But I was thinking that I could attach a few devices to it and test to see if it works or has the same issue.

Yeah that could be worth a shot. Depending on how old the C7 is, make sure you update the z-wave firmware on it before you even update the hub platform or start adding devices, it will work a lot better that way.

This topic that was closed is the same issue "C8 Zwave radio keeps going to sleep" that is exactly what happens. I created a ping rule, that every hour it turns off the closet light from each hub. It keeps the system working as its supposed to as long as the hourly ping rule is in place. It's a work around, but its a mask for the problem..

Over the weekend, about every 3rd or 4th zwave device install, I'd get an error in the middle of the install, the hub didn't respond. I had to reboot the hub and add the device again and it included fine.. Between, the drop off and the issues including devices, I looked in the community for older articles. I found this one "Hub Placement / Multiple Z-Wave Radios Causing Interference?" It may be an issue or part of one. Should I consider changing out my antennas?

You could try, every environment is different. Many people found that the included antennas work the best. Some people have gone to antenna with a short cord so they can mount it away from where the hub actually sits.

Before continuing did you check for ghosts in yourhubip>>settings>>z-wave details and remove them?

I did and I had 2 ghosts and was able to remove them. Took a few tries but they were removed.