C8 Pro Migration - Failed Nodes

My door locks do not work anymore. Tried the Wave repair, and there are now four failed nodes.
Stage: Repair Running - Group: 1
Z-Wave Node 09: Repair is running
Failed Nodes: 06 07 08 18
Ran the repair, but not fixing.
The original C8 hub that I just switched, worked fine.
5 failed nodes now
Failed Nodes: 06 07 08 18 09

  1. Shut down your hub.

  2. Pull power and wait 30s

  3. Plug in again and wait for boot up

Let us know if that helps at all.

Also, can you confirm you updated both hubs to the current before making the migration backup and restoring it on the C8-Pro?

ok, will try

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Good luck.

If it doesn't help, then let us know about above when you come back. :slight_smile:

That did not work. Should I run the ZWAVE repair again?

Probably won't help...

What platform versions are your C8 and C8-Pro on?

Both were
I am now getting this since restart.
Hub load is elevated .
Review runtime statistics for apps and drivers when you can.


You did a cloud migration not a local one right?

Correct, Sent up t cloud through C8, and then back down to C8 Pro

You could try re-do...

Use the diagnostic tool to do a full reset on the C8-Pro (in Advanced section of Diagnostic tool), then boot up the C8 again and do another Migration backup (if the C8 is not on Hub Protect) or a Cloud backup (if the C8 is on Hub Protect). Then shut down/pull power on the C8 and do the restore on the C8-Pro again.

Diagnostic tool is at [yourhupIP]:8081

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Did a redo, backed up C8 again, and then downloaded from the cloud to c8 Pro. Obviously I screwed up somehow, as the door locks work fine now. Thanks all for help


OMG, we're twins separated at birth! So happy I've found you. :wink:

Nah, could have been some bytes got twisted up somewhere, glad you're going again.

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Glad you were able to sort things out. Just wanted to chime in on your earlier comment. If you have failed nodes during a repair, it means that the device and the hub were unable to communicate.

Running another repair will not resolve the connectivity problem between the hub and the device. All repair does, is finding faster route between a working device and the hub. If the device isn't active, the repair does nothing. In fact the routes will be rebuilt avoiding the non-responsive device, which could greatly impact the over all mesh performance. The best thing to do when you have failed nodes is to make sure the node is active before attempting to run another repair.

I'm having the same issue... C7 -> C8 Pro, Zwave devices not working.

My diagnostic tool doesn't have a full reset option, only soft reset..

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Does it have the "Advanced" button? If so, that's where the additional reset options are...
