C8 Pro Hub Information - cpu never changes

Just a wild guess but I have migrated from C8 to C8 Pro and CPU readings (+ some others) are not reporting properly by Hub Information. In my system its has * cpuPct : 53.25 set and never changes. Anyone else seeing this?


Check to make sure you have it set for polling and then resave the preferences.

It worked on C8. Even if i hit refresh button, cpu does not change but free memory and a few others do. The settings are now exactly like those running on my other 2 C8's(not pro)

Resave the preferences, sometimes they get corrupted.

Check the endpoint directly and post a screenshot. The last number shown is the CPU load avg which is used to calculate the CPU percent. I think this is the one being used by the driver.


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Hmm... seems to be working now.. looks like save preferences did it. Thanks guys.

well this is odd.. seems to stick(no changes to the fields) after a reboot. Then I save again and it starts working... hmmm

Check to make sure you have poll jobs set at the bottom of the device after rebooting.

Yes.. polling,, same set up as on two C8 boxes and they work after each ipl. I just wonder if the code checks model type and needs updating because of the C8 Pro model.

If you're on the latest version (3.0.36) the Pro model is handled,

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  • hubUpdateStatus : NO_UPDATE_AVAILABLE
  • hubUpdateVersion :
  • hubVersion :

I'm using the Habitat Package manager and it's not finding any newer version. So maybe the problem is here?

Are you using the v3 version? Looks like you're on v2 given the attribute for the update status; v3 has a completely different HPM manifest. ([RELEASE] Hub Information Driver v3)

Nailed it. The first thing I did when I had issue is check the level of code but missed that it had a new manifest.
Many thanks. Updated all 3 devices now.