C8 Pro false elevated/severe load alerts?

I keep getting elevated/severe load alerts on my C8 Pro running version, but the CPU load doesn't seem to go above 20%, the free memory is over 1200MB, and the CPU temp only varies by a few degrees. Could the alert conditions be incorrect on the upgraded C8 Pro with it's faster CPU and increased memory? I'm not experiencing any issues associated with high load when the alert pops up, no errors in the logs, and just the same couple of warnings I got on my C7 with no load alerts.

Ya i reported this earlier. No response. Not sure what is going on. But when i look
Everything is below 10%.

Keep in mind most of us collect the load on 5 min intervals. That doesnt mean for a period of that 5 min the load was high. Just a thought.

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I thought about that, but I hit refresh whenever Iโ€™ve noticed it pop up and the load didnโ€™t change. Also, my C7 hub never had any load issues, the setup is the same, and itโ€™s been doing it since I migrated over from the C7 48 hours ago.