here is the point it died in the logs. nothing relavent.. now when i go into the network setting it is sohwing network speed 100 fixed. i believe it was auto negotiated before.. did the network reboot do that.. should i leave it or change it?
i asked in another thread because ipv6 is disabled on my net and switches.. but i noticed when i tried to run speed test it is using ipv6.. how do i turn that off in the hub if that is causing the issues
IPv6 Is not required for HE or matter. Matter devices will create their own link-local ipv6 network even if it is disabled on the router.
The network tools speed test using IPv6 is possibly just the default of whatever library they are using. They may need to set it up to explicitly use IPv4. Although at this point you really should have things setup so you can access the IPv6 internet, eventually web pages will transition to only being accessible over IPv6.
I have tried to learn about IPv6, but I still find it confusing. Even if my ISP changes my public IP to IPv6, couldn't my LAN still work on IPv4 behind the firewall/NAT in my router?
And, there is really nothing to figure out, you just turn it on on the router. Devices will still get IPv4 addresses so you dont need to change anything else.
anyone look at engineering logs. and tell me what i can do to prevent this in the futue. as this house will be empty and i will not be around to push button?