C8 pro, another new hub? I'm confused

CPU in C8-Pro is faster and has had some special tuning. Supposed to be twice as fast as C8.


It is starting to sound like a Star Wars droid. C8p


Where did you read that?

Comments from an HE staffer, not in public topics.

Not good form. Should show evidence via graphs or some type of real world comparison, in my opinion. If you don't have evidence to present, then just say "Faster CPU".


No need to jump on me, I'm just sharing what I heard. More here on that. :slight_smile:


C8 reboot time ~2:20
C8 Pro reboot time ~1:15


lol. Not bad form on your part. You misunderstood me.

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Cool. So almost twice as fast :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



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Not true.


Thanks for clarifying official HE info on this, different from what was said by staff earlier this AM.

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So they just came up with this in the last month or so? The design and manufacturing too?
I just purchased a C8, would have waited.


No. To go from design, to getting prototypes to test internally, to getting FCC certification takes a minimum of 5 months.

The C-8 Pro hardware project has clearly been ongoing for much longer than a month.

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A new hub? Fun! Who cares if I don't really need it?

Ordered. Can't wait!



I love to support these guys, but, come on, give me some real specs. I just upgraded to the C8 recently myself. love it. I have over 50 wireless devices and certainly a little lag on some things. But, does this justify the โ€œproโ€ version? Or is this more of a Hotel management type of device? like 100+ devices (door locks at a hotel)?

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So why not say " we have a new hub coming out next week, would you like to wait before purchasing the C8?"

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Again they miss the mark. Why not launch this with a beautiful dashboard that shuts everyone, including me up and marketing it so that you need the new hub for the processing power?

Literally would have had my money.

Now I'll just continue using my C7s and HomeAssistant. In fact I just bought a zigbee radio for HA so I'm using Hubitat for less and less these days.

So guys for a non Teccy like me. I have a C7 which I'm extremely happy with. if I upgrade to a C8-P. Will my automations become faster?

In particular if motion is detected, will the lights come on a little faster? I.e. will my 1 second delay reduce

Thatโ€™s a risk we all take when we purchase tech products like this. I bought a SmartThings V1 hub a couple months before their V2 hub came out (years ago). It happens. It seems like youโ€™ve been thinking about buying that C8 since about a month after it was released.