C8 Pro Device Page Missing Columns

Hey Folks,

I can't seem to get the rightmost columns to appear. I opened and closed it, refreshed, clicked and unclick the boxes, resized the window, maximized, adjust column width, tried quite a few things, just won't appear. They were there in previous versions, but unsure when they went missing. Could someone check and see if they have them and maybe it's just me?

Oh, Google Chrome on a PC.

Did you click reset column widths?

Yep, no change

And if I stretch it out the status just gets wider. No scroll bar on the bottom either.

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Try an inCognito browser window, that will rule out a browser cache issue.

Still no luck... Am I the only one?

Have you tried a different browser all together or PC?

There is a place in chrome you can delete just specific site data also.

3 different PC's and 2 Browsers. No idea why it's like this.

Yeah thatโ€™s not a cache issue then. If you press f12 for the developer console are there any errors in there?

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If you click the status sorting :arrow_up_down: does anything appear? It almost looks like you have something with a very long or excessive amount of characters in the status column.


Good idea, or maybe turning that column off would fix it if thats the case?


BINGO!! It was a long set of characters in an iFrame device status column :smiley:
Removed the status column and it all came back.