C8 Migration without cloud protect

I tried that BUT looks like it only allows one migration backup since I don't see new records after I created the first one...

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Yeah at this point I'd start from the beginning again as well. If that doesn't help at all then we need real support. :slightly_smiling_face:

Try rebooting your C7, and try the migration back up a second time.

Not like I know that'll help but you know rebooting is something we do when trying to figure out weird stuff. :smiley:

Let me boot c7 again... I'll try again.

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Could also try powering down the C8 and pulling power then rebooting. Some people have been having DNS issues on the C8. May also need to go into the network settings and set a new DNS server. You can test the DNS in the Network test page by using the ping to ping a domain instead of an IP, or try the speed test.

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Maybe if you and I both killed power to our houses temporarily and then turned it back on. :rofl::wink:

Looks like something different is happening now.... it's taking a lot of time to create the backup on C7... maybe I should have registered the C8 prior to creating the backup? let's see...

Wow! It now lists on C8 hub..... I'll now restore there. YAY!


I think you may need to do that, they probably dont want people to use the free migration service unless they actually have the C8.

I saw somewhere they are also adding the "size" of the backup on the old hub end so people can verify it worked correctly. That would have been a clue for you to see a 0Kb backup.

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I guess they should then improve the "create migration backup" feature to display an error asking the user to register C8 hub prior to creating the backup... It was very misleading.

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Yes assuming that was the source of the issue that definitely seems like something that wouldn't be too hard to fix.

But let's focus on the important things here now like the fact that it was my suggestion that you reboot that saved the day. I really think we should talk about that for the next 5 or 10 minutes. (Whether it's true or not.)



Hahaha, you probably helped the first C8 hub run in Brazil :slight_smile:


Of course, that makes perfect sense! My wife spent part of her childhood in Paraguay and Argentina, so it's a South American trifecta!


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