C8 migration - moving devices

Received my C8 a month ago.
I was thinking, after reading some posts, that I would like to connect it alongside my C7 and move either the Zigbee devices or the zwave devices over to it.
Is there a way, simply, to move devices from one hub to the other without excluding/including?

You can do a backup and migrate, but it is an overwrite of the C-8 and designed to move all of the devices - if you only move ZB or ZW then the other will need to be done via the exclude/include.

Not really simple. You could do the migration and only select the one radio to be restored. This would move those devices over. You would then need to reset the radio on the other hub, and manually remove all the "devices" from the HE device list. You would have all your rules and automations duplicated on both hubs with a lot of them probably broken because half the devices are on one hub and half are on another... etc.... it will be a big mess IMO.

Might be better off just migrating to the C8 fully. Wait a week or so, to see if you have any major issues. Fully reset the C7. Then start the C7 from scratch and if you have devices you want to move back to it, then move them over one at a time.

Some zigbee device can be problematic on the C8 due to the Zigbee 3.0 chip, so if there is anything you need to move back I would suspect its going to be some of your zigbee devices.

Another question,
When an update comes out, if you have two hubs (hub mesh), does the update install in both hubs? I would think so, but asking anyway.

Not automatically, only if you install it on both. Each hub will have a different IP and web admin interface. As long as no major hub mesh changes are made between firmware versions both hubs do not have to be on the same version, but it would be recommended.

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About 60% of my ZB devices would be considered "old", ST motion and vibration sensors.

I may just add the C8 and put new devices on it until a later date.

I have quite a few older zigbee devices on my C-8, including ST contact sensor, GE in wall dimmers, Iris V2 motion and contact sensors, and Hue dimmers and motion sensors. I haven’t had any problems with them. A lot of it probably has to do with what repeaters you’re using, where you have the hub located, and other radio interference. I have my hubs in the center of our 2 story house above a china cabinet near the ceiling. I have 3 Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 dongles and 3 Samsung Zigbee 3.0 plugs that most things route through. My router is about 10 feet away. My zigbee radio transmit power is set to 12.