C8 - losing connection to Zigbee device (Hue Outdoor Motion Sensor)

Since migrating from my C5 to the new C8 I've noticed that one of my Zigbee devices just stops working. It is a Hue Outdoor motion sensor ( Model SML002). If I hit the setup button and go into pairing mode it will be rediscovered by Hubitat when doing a device add. Then 2-12 hours later it will disconnect and I need to re-add it.

FYI, I replaced with new batteries too.

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@bobbyD has been tracking this issue. Has been happening to a couple of us since migration. INNR plugs also seem to be a challenge, at least for me.


As brad says, there are a few zigbee inclusion-related issues the HE team is now chewing on (perhaps all the manifestations share the same root issue?) -- hopefully they'll be able to get it all sorted out soon!

I am having a similar issue with some Sengled Zigbee bulbs I am using (Sengled Element Classic). I can reconnect them, and they'll work for a few minutes, I can go into the device and 'configure' them with the same, temporary results.

I have 4 Sengled bulbs connected to my system, they are all acting the same way. All are fairly close to the hub.

Other than these bulbs, the C-8 migration has worked very well.

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I just checked my Hue Outdoor Sensors (I have 2) and noticed one has not reported anything since yesterday. Batteries are less than a week old. The other one is still working.

I don't see it listed in the child and route display.

Device data:

  • endpointId: 02
  • application: 02
  • firmwareMT: 100B-010D-42006BB7
  • inClusters: 0000,0001,0003,0406,0400,0402
  • manufacturer: Philips
  • model: SML002
  • outClusters: 0019
  • softwareBuild: 42006BB7


Another one with Hue Outdoor Motion no longer working...

My Hue Outdoor Motion sensor stopped working after migration. But it reset with no problem and has been working since. Don't know if it will keep working, but I have my fingers crossed.

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same here.. dropped off yesterday afternoon.. sent rquested messag to support team.

dont reeally want to reset it as it is in about 10 rules and dashboards.. will see what support says.

just did it anyway and it found the existing device and is working again.. will keep an eye to see if it drops off again.. setting a new monitoring rule.

Just noticed one of mine dropped off a couple days ago. I had a seemingly successful migration from C-7 to C-8 until this incident. That Hue Outdoor Motion Sensor had been 100% reliable on my C-7, so I'm a little bit concerned about these new ZigBee issues.

Update: I reset/re-paired it. Hubitat recognized it as the same device as previous. No idea if it will stay connected or drop off again.

Mine may have been coincidence . Sylvania gardenspot near it also died. wonder if the hue was routing through it.

Just set my C8 A few days ago I migrated the Zwave from C7 had to bring all my Zigbee devices from the C5 over manually. I have 11 hue outdoor Motion sensors they seem to be staying connected and working fine. Pretty speedy so far, Must be a migration thing right? Maybe just reset them and join them again? Or do they still fall off? I've never seen them get such good signal numbers actually.

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Very well could be an artifact of the automated migration that you avoided. Would be interesting to hear your experience after a week.

They still fall off. I've reset and re-joined some of mine 3 or 4 times before I got sick of walking around the house resetting them.

My Hue Outdoor sensor appears to have dropped off again yesterday evening.

I'll definitely report back if they start dropping off, I can imagine how frustrating it could be for outdoor devices to keep falling off. I do remember when I got my first few Hue outdoor sensor for testing, they did fall off and do some weird things until I changed my Zigbee channel to 20 and installed a few xbee3's as repeaters. I'm not even sure if devices are routing through the Xbee's but I could pair the outdoor sensors from really far away without any other repeating devices. I'm using default power level of 16 and channel 21 with the C8. What firmware are you guys using I'm pretty sure mine aren't on the latest from Hue. I never upgraded because they were working so well. I'm pretty sure mine are all using.

  • firmwareMT: 100B-010D-42006BB7
  • manufacturer: Philips
  • model: SML002
  • softwareBuild: 42006BB7

I am using FW - 100B-010D-42006BB7 also. I reconnected again yesterday, and it worked until right before midnight and dropped again.

Are you reconnecting the sensor from it's final location or are you bringing it closer to reconnect? I would bring it inside and reset it and leave it close to the hub to see if it falls off again. Just to take range or repeater issues from the migration out of the equation.

Good point, I can try that just to rule it out.

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Moved inside and reconnected. Let's see how long we go this time.

Well it's not just a C8 migration Issue. I just had my first outdoor Hue motion sensor Fall off. Well I guess techniclly it didn't fall off, I was able to bring it in and get it to communicate without having to reset it and put it back on the zigbee network. Something weird is going on these things have been stable for years. The only thing that is different from the C5 to the C8 Is the Zigbee channel C8 is on 20 and my C5 was on 21. Everything else is exactly the same even the location of the hub. After looking at my Zigbee logs I have noticed that Zigbee signals are way worse then they were yesterday and ever were with the C5



Well I think I figured out my Problem. I have unifi Access points all over my house, I turned the one closet to the hubitat hub off and Zigbee signals went back to normal right away. Turn the AP back on Zigbee Signal starts to degrade a lot. Makes sense that outdoor sensors are effected first since they would most likely have the weakest signals. Is there a way to turn the Wifi radio off on the C8? Make sure to get the hub away from anything with Wifi not just access points.