C8 dropped all Zigbee devices after working fine for 24 hours after migration from C7

Just a precaution, because I had prior migrated to the C8, but when it lost ALL of my contact, motion and water sensors, I took it offline and reconnected my C7. I waited for the Hubitat team to post "the" updates that would fix the problems I was having on the C8.

So, when I wanted to re-try the C8, I didn't want it connecting to my devices until I was ready - and that wasn't until after I got the C8 upgraded to .125 and the migration backup was restored.

I had the same problem - the C8 is a piece of junk, couldn't pair new zigbee devices, and then an existing device went funny and now its not connected and hubitat can't pair with it. in fact it can't pair with any new zigbee device and in pairing mode instead randomly shows devices that are already paired.

in the end I went back to my C7 and everything is working perfectly.

About 60 or so zigbee devices and about 60 z-wave here an have yet to have a real issues with z-wave or zigbee. My system has been stable as a rock. For people having isssues, it seems a weirdness in the migration (which I did and didn't have any issues). People who did fresh out of the box installs without migration have not had issues. The other thing that we are slowly finding out is when poe splitters are being used. Typically when paired with a unifi product things go to hell (especially z-wave) and using the oem provided power supply corrects this issue. The former is certainly a bug, the latter is a weird anomaly but ultimately has nothing to do with Hubitat. Saying the product is junk is disingenuous at best.


when you pay good money for something which has does not work and there's no real support - yes it's about as good as junk.
look at the number of problem posts - THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH THE C8.
"mines ok therefore its not a problem" is terrible attitude to software development

We would be happy to refund your purchase. Drop us a note at orders@hubitat.com.


What I am saying is the majority of people are not having any issues and only a small percentage are. That is not a terrible attitude and it doesn't make a product junk... But hey... You've been offered your money back and feeling the way you feel you should take it instead of unproductive rantings across the forum... Just sayin'


not true in my case

not true in my case

In my case Everything was fine except for 1 hue outdoor sensor dropping off until they started messing with the Zigbee stack. problems even started to trickle down to the C5/C7 after that

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I think he's referring to Unifi + POE splitter, which has seemed to be troublesome in some cases, causing general Z-Wave issues. But that's another topic. :slight_smile: How 'bout them Mets!! :smiley:


true :slight_smile: some cases

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You're one of the rare ones then... Most people who built from scratch haven't had any of the zigbee issues. Why? Well that's for the engineers on that one...

POE splitters paired with unifi. It's been a big issue for z-wave... Again, don't know why but can't pin that one on Hubitat.

I know a lot of people early on had issues with that sensor (I myself didn't, mine has been hanging on but it seems I'm an outlier on that point). I think @danabw has a few and that finally stabilized around .123 (could be wrong on the version number)


My Problems with the C8 turned out to be a good thing. I got a chance to put a VM that I have Home Assistant running on to the test. I got to see the differences between HA & Hubitat. If someone with no tech/code skills asked me which one to go with I'd have to give the nod to Hubitat. You can literally point and click your way to success. It's actually getting easier to do the same with HA. Home Assistant is a beast though in a good way, you can just about do anything you can think of. Best part if you have issues with the radio's/hardware you can install something else within reason. I'd pay money to be able to run Hubitat on a VM. I mean I pay $150 a year for router/firewall software why not smart home software?

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3 posts were split to a new topic: HA Testing

I have had similar problems. Migrated C7 to C8 and been having a difficult time getting 12 of 19 devices. All problem deivces are zigbee. Sengled bulbs and plug and thirdreality blinds.
When I start the hubitat app, it sends me to shop.hubitat.com I have to "find Hubs" the "look for a hub on your network" and choose between the old and new hub despite the old one not being connected.
What seemed by the advertising as a simple upgrade continues to torture me. Please help!

Have you changed your router to put the new hub in the old hubs IP address reservation slot? That should at least make sure it's kept in the same place.

It is using the same IP address as the old C7.
I have gone back through the procedure and have mad a little progress. Still none of my original zigbee devices are operable. I was able to add a new zigbee device but the restored devices do not work. Do I need to set the zigbee channel to something specific?

Ideally you want it to be the same as it was before on the original Hub. As that channel obviously worked fine, sometimes it gets moved to a new one which is not ideal for your location.

You have shutdown your old hub right?

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