C8 and Z-wave

I have complained and moaned about the Z-wave issues on here so many times. I'll try not to repeat those, apart from saying that I've had nothing but issues and lots of frustration since migrating from a C7 about two months ago. I'm only talking about Z-wave here.
That said, to get help, I must mention that I have reset the hub multiple times; moved it around; shut down 90% of the apps to make sure the apps are not causing the issues; have no ghost devices and have a seemingly good z-wave mesh as judged by other forum members after posting screenshots of my devices. Most devices are connected directly to the hub. I did not add any Z-wave devices since moving to the C8, and the mesh was stable for many months at the time when I moved to the C8.
The only red flag I see after staring for many hours at the logs is that some devices change route many times during the course of a day (about 5 - 8 times), and 99% of the time, the devices involved are those closest to the hub (6 - 9 feet.)
Devices would work fine for sometimes up to two days and then stop responding, often requiring a hub reboot or a shutdown and power cycle. Other times devices only temporarily stop responding, recovering after an uncertain period of time. It has, however, been some time since the Z-wave devices would function for more than 24 hours without issues.
The following screenshot is typically what happens:

You guys will notice that below the red line, the Z-wave log reports all parameters as 0, and a minute later, all devices start to work perfectly. Ten minutes later, the devices stopped responding. Again, the log showed zeros in respect of all data. (Unfortunately, I accidentally closed the when I tried to take a second screenshot showing this.)
About 4 minutes later, the devices started responding again.
I'm at my wit's end. What do I do next? Is there a possibility of exchanging the hub? I am so desperate I considered buying another hub to see if this is normal for the C8, but that is a lot of money to waste if it doesn't help.
Any help would be immensely appreciated.

If all devices stop working, that may be indicative of a hardware problem. If only one or some devices stop working, then that would be indicative of a device problem, and replacing the hub in that situation will not help. In any case, send me a private message and we will look at your hub's engineering log to make sure that the radio is working properly.


All devices stop working, as has just happened again:

Uploading: image.png...

PM sent, thanks.

That's a little bizarre. I must admit the C-8 has been the best performing Zwave hub I have owned. Have you tried swapping antennas?


During the C8 migration process, the migrating software intentionally did not migrate any of the Z-wave routes. It took a couple of days for my Z-wave devices to settle down. Once they did, nearly all my devices are connected directly with the hub at 100 kbps speed. From what I have read, my experience is typical.

Z-wave issues with the new C8 hub have been rare. Open a support ticket to allow the staff to interrogate your hub remotely. That might be the quickest way to get resolution.

There are thousands of C8 out there, and maybe 10-20 have reported issues (and some of those were found to not be actual issues, others were faulty hardware, others are unknown still).

That doesn't mean it isn't impactful for those experiencing problems, but it IS rare on a percentage basis.

That said, support is working with you so I would pursue that avenue. And good luck! I know it is frustrating when things aren't working right. And I certainly agree that your zwave logs look 'odd'.


The Z-Wave radio doesn't seem to have any problems, however the amount of errors coming from various LAN connected integrations/devices makes it really hard to discover any systematic problems as your hub's engineering log is filled with errors coming from custom apps/drivers. You should have more details about these errors in your Logs / past Logs. I would start there by addressing any errors/warnings, and if that doesn't resolve the problem, at least would make your engineering logs lighter so we can pin point any systematic issues. You may need to disable some (more) apps and drivers to achieve a cleaner log. If you don't know how to disable an app or a driver, please see "Disable Device Drivers" and "Disable Apps" sub-headings in the following documents:


Thank you for the suggestion. I did as part of my troubleshooting, disabled all apps to see if it makes a difference.
All apps are currently disabled, apart from webCoRE. Disabling the apps (such as Advanced Hue Integration),
With all apps disabled apart from webCoRE, after about 90 minutes, the same issue shows in the Z-wave logs:

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