C8 So I'm sat watching the Tottenham game on the TV and for no reason (that I can see) - all (well most) of my lights just turned on for no apparent reason - 18 of them. There's nothing in the logs other than for the individual lights 'On' and 'Off'.
If I go to an individual device all I can see in the events is a 'command-on'...'command called:on' with nothing in the 'Produced By' column.
I don't have an 'all lights' group and don't have Alexa (though I do have Homekit set up). It's unlikely that the BT Sport commentator said 'Hey Siri - Turn on all the lights' - I'd have noticed!
So how on earth can I find out what caused it? The Homekit integration has no logs and it's not possible to get History for 'Hey Siri' in iOS 16 so I can't work out what the cause was.
Without following the EPL, but having not heard Tottenham in the "international" news, I can only imagine this has distracted you from the reality I face in following my local sporting team....
Jokes aside... Sorry to say... I don't know... I'm with you... If the logs don't link to the App that triggered the command, that seems like something worth pursuing with the HE boffins.
Best I can guess is that a device schedule that triggers a command may not register in that display in the Logs page.... Just a thought. Maybe check any scheduled jobs at the bottom of devices involved.
Probably also worth capturing the kinds of lights you have and how they are connected to HE. Are they from various manufacturers or are they all the same and the same protocol. E.g. All Philips Hue, etc. If they are Philips Hue I would lean towards the power-on option and whether there was a power fluctuation while you were watching the game.
Power was fine - the lights are on multiple circuits. Nothing in scheduled jobs. They're all Fibaro but everything is configured to be off on power up. Some of the lights in question do not appear in any rule whatsoever.
I imagine it was HomeKit that switched everything on as it's all there is that could do that (assuming a misheard 'Hey Siri'). I tried it with a 'Hey Siri - turn on all the lights' and it did just that. In the events for the device however the 'Produced By' column remained empty.
@gopher.ny - In the device events table, should we not see 'Homekit' in the 'Produced by' column? In the same way that we do for a given instance of makerapi. Thanks
I was quite surprised that you can't check logs for Siri in the same way you can for Alexa. It makes no sense to me - if you're securely accessing your apple account I can't see a privacy issue.
If you can't look at the logs relating to Apple, that's a pain. If you can't see what happened in the HE space, that is more / most of the concern, and something worth pursuing with the HE dev's.
Aside from any outside influence, if lights are changing without any noticeable trigger, I would suggest that is worth pursing.
Interesting and potentially very useful. I missed that ‘produced by’ information. Thanks, let’s see if it works as I hope it will and if it’s readable within a program.
The 13:59 'command-on' is the unknown trigger - no 'produced by' info
The 14:00 'command -off' is me turning the light off with HD+ dashboard (as 'Produced By' shows)
The 14:02 'command-on' and the corresponding 'command-off' at 14:02 is me testing 'Hey Siri - Turn on all the lights/turn off all the lights' and these show no 'Produced By', though I know that it was Homekit because it was intentional
So I think that 'Produced by' should be showing 'Homekit' but is not
With regard to logging Apple Homekit activities, check out ControllerForHomekit.com. The app offers a little more insight and options for HomeKit than Apple provides, in addition to logging activity.