[C8 -] ZIGBEE not responding

About 4 or 5 days ago, my ZigBee network became unresponsive. It has been rock-solid for the past few years, even migrating from hub to hub. No devices have changed within the last year or so. The only device that has changed within the last year or so was a water/temperature sensor that was lost in my attic after some work that was done. I waited for the device to fall off the network because the battery drained. So, I removed it from the network from the hub. I cannot remove it from the device because I cannot find it.
I have downgraded firmware and went from backups in troubleshooting this issue (not thinking about the situation above). Rebuilt database from “settings.” Of course, it restarted many times. I don’t see anything from Zigbee logging (almost no activity from the logs). I have rebuilt the network for Zigbee. There are no errors from device/rule logs and nothing from hub events either. Changed channels (20>25) didn’t work, and none of the devices switched over. These are all native drivers. Nothing is 3rd party on the ZigBee network. I have a C7, and the devices pair without issue, but on the C8, I cannot pair anything. Note the ZigBee radio is “online” but not responding. I have reviewed all documentation, and nothing is pointing in a specific direction.

Is it possible that the half-removed senor became hot and returned to life, causing problems?
Are there other logs that I’m not looking at?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Have you tried powering down your hub, unplugging it at the wall, waiting a minute and then plugging back in? The Z radios don’t get rebooted with a hub reboot, and a full power down is required to fully reboot them. This is usually the first thing I try if I have zigbee issues, which is fortunately very rare for me.

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Thank you very much for getting back to me. Yes, I did a full power-off from settings and removed the power from the hub for about 10 - 20 minutes. Sadly, I still have no luck. This is why I think the old device might be causing an issue. Sometimes, I see this 0000 device appear (alone). However, it's not there every time. Zigbee is still not responding. On a rare occasion, I will get 1 or 2 responses, and then it will stop responding. I may lower the power to see if I can only communicate with repeaters and eliminate this device from being seen since this would be the furthest device away from the hub.
Would that make sense?

I believe that 0000 is the Zigbee radio itself. Maybe someone from @support_team can offer you some insight into what is going on.

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I have disabled ALL applications, disabled all user devices (only Z-wave, since that is the only custom dlh that I have) powered off for 5 minutes (unplugged) and powered back on. Still I don't have any response from Zigbee.

Another trick you can try is to swap the 2 hub antennas, maybe the one for zigbee got damaged.

You said you just removed all apps, but I would suggest to give Zigbee Map community app a try. It talks to every device in the zigbee mesh and draws a visual representation of the found "connections". Note: you would need to have the HPM (Hubitat Package Manager) community app already installed, in order to install Zigbee Map though (so yeah, another app :slight_smile:)

Disclaimer: I am the author of Zigbee Map.


He is too modest, he is the architect of the Zigbee Map app. (Sounds cooler.) :wink:

You can look at Device and App stats on the Logs tab to see if any device or app is spamming your system:


Swapping the antennas sounds like a good idea to rule out an odd HW failure, or even just a loose antenna.

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Nice to meet you Dandanache!
Here is what the Network graph is saying right now (it is great that feature).

Every so often 0000 appears.
Note: I cannot pair either.
I don't have any other antennas. I have spare WiFi ones if that will work or are you talking about swapping them from left to right?

I will download the Zigbee Map HPM and get you the results from it. Thank you for your help.

Danabw, Thank you. I have checked that too. I didn't see anything crazy. Keep in mind this is less than hour after a power off for 40 minutes and power back on. So, things are still settling down.
Device Stats

Application Stats

I have check for "loose antenna" and they are tight and upright.

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With your tool, I only show two devices. Bulbs are not showing on this map.

In the past troubleshooting methods, I tried turning off all devices and attempting to tried them individually, and I wasn't successful.

yes .. try that ..

Yes. I did swap left for right and still this didn't work.

show us a pic of you zigbee settings ..

I think I saw that you changed your settings ?

I attempted to change (originally)20 to 25, but the built-in map (ZigBee graph) didn't show anything. I waited for over 24 hours, and nothing worked, and I didn't see any "pings." I can move back to 25 to see if anything changes again.

Any recent network changes related to 2.4GHz Wi-Fi? New AP, new router, changes on either of them related to power or channel? 2.4 can interfere w/Zigbee.

25 can be better than 20 from info shared here in this forum...you can switch back to 25, and then wait a day, if devices aren't reporting you can power cycle them (primarily mains powered repeaters like plugs) and at that point also shut down and pull power, wait 30s, and re-start (pulling power clears the radio).

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Still would like to see a pic .. also a pic of zigbee map < device list.
can do a screen shot using < shift + windows key + S

Not that I'm aware. Note I use unfi and it does it's own check and power management. I turn off all wifi ap.

As danabw said ..
I would double check your WIFI settings you want ALL wifi on chan 1 and zigee on 20

Make sure the Unifi isn't set to "optimize" channel settings automatically - keep it down on 1 or 6, and ZIgbee up at 25 or 20.
